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We Need Passions

Posted by lemonnhead from Cardiff - Published on 21/12/2010 at 11:17
4 comments » - Tagged as Education, People, Sport & Leisure, Work & Training

  • Passion Fruit

Yn Gymraeg

The other day I was in an art lesson and we were giving in our pages that we’d been doing. A boy who I don’t really talk to very often walked up to me and said, “Can I have your honest opinion?”

I replied yes, “Is this any good?” He showed me his painting, it wasn't amazing, but it really wasn’t bad at all, and very different to what people in my class tend to do.

“I like it, I really do,” I said, and I did.

“I’m awful, I never should’ve taken art.” I looked at him,

“Do you enjoy it?” I asked; he replied yes, “Then just go for it, who cares if you’re good or bad? There’s a point at which, if you like something, then do it! Don’t worry about whether you’re bad or not, it really doesn’t matter. Just go for it!” 

I honestly don’t know what came over me; I was in ‘deep’ mode. God knows what everyone who was listening thought of me, but when I left that lesson, I realised that I was right (for once), if you love something, then just do it, don’t not do something just because you think you’re not good enough.

Yesterday, I was with one of my best friends and we were talking about our futures. She wants to become a doctor because in life she wants to help people; but she’s constantly worrying about getting the right grades. She was telling me about the GCSEs she needs to get to get into certain Universities to study medicine, and she’s absolutely terrified.

“We’ve been through this before; this is what you want to do, so work at it. You’re clever, you can get those grades, so just work your butt off and it will pay off,” I told her, which is also right. If you have a dream of what you want to do in life, then you need to work at it. Don’t just give in before you’ve even started, or think it’s just going to happen because it won’t.

Whatever your passion is, whether it’s acting, singing, dancing, writing, helping people or anything, if you love it then do it. In life you need to make the most of everything. If you have a dream that is absolutely what you want, then work for it and work hard. Even if it’s not what you want to do in life but it’s just a hobby, keep it up; people need to do things in life that make them happy, to have something to look forward to, and for an escape (have a look at my article Escaping for more about that).

I’m a creative person, and my main passions are dancing and acting. Thanks to my friend and fellow sprouter, tommy b, more and more I’m considering studying drama, even though I know how difficult it is, but I love it. I’m starting to take my own advice because I think life’s too short to miss out on the things you love, and enjoy doing. And if you don’t have a particular passion, why not try something new? Join a new class, course or club, anything, because when you find something new that you like, it actually makes you happy. I’ve very recently discovered how much I love cooking and help my mum cook as much as possible, trying new meals and different recipes, which is also going to help prepare me for when I leave home.

So go on. Pursue your passion, follow your dream, or try something new. Just do it.

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IMAGE: Passion Fruit by Stefanvds(.com) 

4 CommentsPost a comment



Commented 65 months ago - 21st December 2010 - 11:42am

Thanks for this article! :D
I'd love to pursue a career in writing but I'm worried it's too competetive, nevertheless I want to carry on with it and I think you should start studying Drama too. I was sure that I shouldn't have taken drama for my GCSE's because I didn't really think I was going to get a job with it, but I changed to it because it's fun. I haven't really a clue what I want to do in the future, so for now I'm just doing the things I enjoy.



Commented 65 months ago - 21st December 2010 - 13:46pm

well put- i totally agree :) and ta for mention!



Commented 65 months ago - 21st December 2010 - 14:30pm

Nice article Lemonhead!
If you're defeatest you find yourself stuck in a rut twiddling your fingers wondering "how is he/she in such a great job and I'm not?"...
Don't sit back, take chances. Say "yes" to things you'd never usually do, or really throw yourself into what you love a lot more... Make a concious effort to help yourself, maybe nominate three days in a week where you must try and get a job at a magazine or something... Or write a new article for The Sprout!
If you don't believe in yourself, you will miss chances that you may think are "unimportant"...
Last year I started going to these political meetings where a group of young people got together to air their views... Every couple of weeks there'd be a big seminar where big time politicians would be in attendance... That's something I'd never think of doing, but I just said "yes" to it and what I thought to be "just something to pass the time" about a year ago, is really paying off now as I have some great contacts (which really helps if you want to get into writing!).



Commented 65 months ago - 22nd December 2010 - 16:35pm

Brilliant sambow :D
Your welcome tommy b!
TheBBD, I agree with everything you’ve just said! And well done!

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