We Are Back!
If you tried going on any of the CLIConline sites recently you may have noticed a slight absence of... everything. Conspiracy theories abounded: was it aliens? Skynet? Some elaborate PR stunt? (My personal favourite was that we'd been hijacked by cats again...)
The truth is a little more boring: we were upgrading some technical bits to ensure our security is up-to-date and it took longer than expected, and we had to wait until after Christmas before the job could be finished. I say we stick with the theory about the cats.
So anyway: WE'RE BACK and, considering the last article we published was in December, we seriously need some fresh content! We'll be burning the midnight oil here at CLIC HQ to get everything back up to speed so if you have any comments, opinions, reviews, articles or anything else you'd like to get off your chest please feel free to submit it and we'll work on publishing it as soon as possible. It's good to be back!
So what's changed?
In order to keep our users and their work safe, one thing we are asking everyone to do is to update their password. This is a good practice to get into for any online accounts you have, and we've made sure the process is dead simple: the next time you log-in you'll be prompted to choose a new password. We encourage you to create a 'strong' password: that's a password that contains at least one uppercase letter, lowercase letter and number (this makes it extremely unlikely that anyone else could guess your password). It only takes two seconds and then you can be right on your merry way. And if you have any problems, like you can't remember which email address you used or you have any other difficulties logging in, feel free to get in contact and we'll help you out. You can email or Facebook directly or visit our contact page for more ways to get in touch.