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Vote! TheSprout Awards

Posted by Sam Sprout (Editor) from Cardiff - Published on 24/03/2010 at 14:29
0 comments » - Tagged as Art, Creative Writing, Culture, People, Topical

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That blast of an imaginary bugle is to announce that we have our nominees for theSprout Awards and that the voting begins err now!

So scroll down, read the articles and get voting*!

Best Sprouter


tommy b



Tom Williams

Best Arts Article

X-Factor or X-Fixer?

30 Seconds To Mars @ CIA 

Should We Ban Disney?

Not So Smitten With Being Bitten

Politics Of Age + Music

Counting Crows @ CIA 

My Passion @ Barfly

How Not To Live Your Life

Review: Les Misrables

Review: Six Characters In Search Of An Author @ New Theatre

Review: Kasabian @ CIA

Happy 40th Bridge Over Troubled Water!

Review: To Kill A Mockingbird

Halal Punk Rock?

Best Local/Info Article 

Degree Or Not Degree?

How Do I Look Cool?

Shopping Warfare

Swine Flu: The Facts

Fast Food Nation

Benefits Shmenefits

Review: Vintage Fashion Fair @ City Hall

International Food?

Best Sports Article

Cardiff City's Financial Woes

I Love Banger Racing

I Love Kickboxing

Interview with Gavin Evans and Dafydd James from Cardiff Blues

Most Inspiring Article

Ghana In 60 Seconds

Size Zero

Let's Go Whaling

Killer Cola?

Feeling Thinspired?

A Change Of Name

Dealing With Grief?

Rouge For Rabbits

Best Creative Writer

Best Newcomer


Richard Padley


xToTaL DeMoNx


*Read them thoroughly? Are you sure? Good, then you can now vote. Email me (sam@thesprout.co.uk) with the title of the article/the username of the person you wish to vote for in the subject line with the category too. Oh and by Sunday night please!

Details for theSprout Awards ceremony :-

Where - Y Fuwch Goch

When - Tuesday 30th March

Time - Doors 5.30pm, Start 6pm

Cost - Free

Why - Prizes, glory, goodies, comedy for Dan & Clint (the geniuses behind Panel 9 From Outer Space amongst other fabulous things) and music from Inconsiderate Parking.

Oi! Sprouty, I haven't been nominated, can I still come? - Of course!

See you Tuesday.


The winners can be found here.


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