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Valentine's Day: Heaven / Hell

Posted by National Editor from National - Published on 02/02/2012 at 10:45
19 comments » - Tagged as Culture, People, Topical

Yn Gymraeg

NB: This article is being shared across all the CLIC sites to give you good folk a chance to cyber-mingle with other CLICers across Wales. We do this sometimes. Perhaps we should have a term for it. If you think of one, let us know, and we'll give you a DVD or something for the one we pick. Anyway...

No sooner have you denounced Chrimbo as a money-burning exercise, dreamt up by marketing departments of retail giants, than you're sucked straight back in by that date on the calendar with a big red heart doodled into it: Valentine's Day.

But what does Valentine's Day mean to you? Something? Nothing?

If you're spoken for, do you lavish your loved one with luxury chocolates and top-priced flowers, or do you simply grab a £1.99 bunch of daffs from Lidl along with a budget box of Lindt?

Do the singles among you get your stalking heads on and send anonymous gifts to those you fancy? Or do you organise ani-Valentine's Day zombie movie-a-thons with KFC around a mate's house?

Do you have a favourite romantic song, or an anti-Valentine's Day track you'd like to embed below? Have you recently been dumped so will spend the day crafting a voodoo doll of your ex?

This is a chance for you to share your thoughts on the so-called most romantic day of the year, good or bad.

Leave your comments, video links and anti-Valentine rants below...

Being In A Relationship
Splitting Up

19 CommentsPost a comment



Commented 52 months ago - 2nd February 2012 - 11:16am

I had a Valentines Day sleepover once which was fun. We just listened to music and had a laugh. This year it lands on a Wicid residential and some of us have decided to have an Anti-Valentines day in our free time. DVD's and that. And snacks. Snacks are a must.

It's my dog's birthday Valentines day but he was stolen two years ago out of spite towards my dad. But when I was little I threw him a party on his birthday with heart cakes and all that shizz. And my mother feels sorry for me for not having a Valentines so she does a card from my other dog with a cheesy poem like:-

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I hate the vets,
but I do love you!

It's so cheesy but it's cute :) x



Commented 52 months ago - 2nd February 2012 - 12:12pm

Rainbows and ponies and kittens and chocolates and roses... give me a break. No, I'm not a fan of February 14th, but it is just another day after all, so I get on with it. Such is single life. Uch.



Commented 52 months ago - 2nd February 2012 - 14:56pm

Me and my boyfriend don't do anything for Valentine's Day...we're not really mushy or anything. An anniversary is far more important, 'cause it's more personal, and I guess you should show your affection for one another everyday, not just on Valentine's Day.



Commented 52 months ago - 2nd February 2012 - 14:57pm

Valentines Day was one of those days I have always hated... even now while I am engaged I still hate it. I hate the fact it is just a commercial holiday and it's a 'special' day to show your love for people.

I'm more sentimental... Id rather have a mixtape of music or a book or artwork if I were to get anything for valentines day. Even going for a walk and creating memories I want to remember for the rest of my life is enough for me.

I want to feel loved everyday of my life, not just 1 day of a year each year.



Commented 52 months ago - 2nd February 2012 - 18:16pm

Valentines Day is a bit of a con but at least it's an excuse to go out for a nice meal. Favourite romantic song? Can't go wrong with this, although it's about caffeine and cancer sticks.

eddie secretary

eddie secretary

Commented 52 months ago - 2nd February 2012 - 19:59pm

Bah Valentinesbug lol, I cant stand valentines day because i feel that it is too comercialised, plus i dont believe in saving up your love for one day, if you truely love someone you will show them you love them every single day, thats what i do, so this valentines day will be the same as any other day, i will see my Girlfriend, i will hug her and whisper into her ear "i love you hun, forever and always", then i will kiss her softly and we will continue with our day as normal, so if your with me in being against the Franchised Masses of Loved Up Individuals say AYE!





Commented 52 months ago - 2nd February 2012 - 20:33pm

Ah, Valentine's Day. Like Dydd Santes Dwynwen, but less Welsh.

Anyway, the only good that I see in it is the joke poem things that are around. Like...

Noses are red.
Bruises are blue.
I've just punched an iguana,
And I'm blaming it on you.

I think I've earned my place as commenter of the century with that.



Commented 52 months ago - 2nd February 2012 - 20:58pm

I do think Valentine's Day is a bit OTT!
But when I've been in relationships I have exchanged cards/presents but nothing too much, I agree that anniversaries are more personal :)

This year... I'm single, for the first time in a long time and it's gonna be a bit weird
So I'm going to spend the whole day curled up in bed then go for a super yummy meal somewhere I go all the time.... WORK!
The joys of love... Nah the joys of night shifts!!! :P



Commented 52 months ago - 2nd February 2012 - 21:51pm

I used to love valentines day. Now, I despise it. So blooming much. It's stupid and just another way to make money. And it's way too soppy. Not everyone is in a relationship. Last year, I sent a card to my crush. Worst mistake ever. He laughed at it, threw it in the bin and I got bullied over it for 6 months straight.

Screw Vday. Roll on Easter with the eggs.

(Not Responding)

(Not Responding)

Commented 52 months ago - 3rd February 2012 - 17:18pm

This track - and the album it's off - got me over being dumped after seven years.



Commented 52 months ago - 7th February 2012 - 18:03pm

I didn't really see the point in St. Val's Day when I was single, and I don't really see the point now. But this year I thought I'd be nice and buy something for my significant other - more as a thank you for driving me everywhere than anything else!

I feel that single people make more of an effort to do something than couples do on Valentine's Day. Which sort of defies the point, really...



Commented 51 months ago - 8th February 2012 - 13:49pm

What's the point? Most people split up on this day.. For singles, Valentines is no different to any other day.



Commented 51 months ago - 8th February 2012 - 13:50pm

I think valentines day is pointless for single people like me and tbh I think that its sweet for couples to show there love but just try not to rub it in all the lonley people's faces out there.x

sk8rboi 45

Commented 51 months ago - 8th February 2012 - 13:55pm

valentines day was mad just to make money!!!!!!

PB girl

PB girl

Commented 51 months ago - 8th February 2012 - 14:42pm

i will be going out on 14 feb with my friends xx


Commented 51 months ago - 8th February 2012 - 14:44pm

cant wait till valentines day going out xx


Commented 51 months ago - 8th February 2012 - 21:10pm

cud be hell if sumone broe up wit u on valentines day !



Commented 51 months ago - 20th February 2012 - 17:51pm

The zombie movie-a-thon and kfc sounds right up my street, whether it be with a special boy or friends, and any day of the year :D
I like seeing all the couples be really cute on Valentine's day. Maybe for some people it's the only time they can have that chance to go out and just be loved it? I love the idea of it, even if for the 16th year in a row I've spent mine with my cat :')


Commented 51 months ago - 26th February 2012 - 01:39am

i got dumped a day before valentine's day this year ... i had all ready bought im things for the day a big box of chocs soo what i did was sat in my front room with my family sheard the chocs and had a bottle of wine....... i dont think its a special day at all you should show or tell your partner every day that you love them not just on this day..... atm i am loving life being single i get to do whatever i want whenever i want with out having to ask someone if i can do it..... i have just turned 18 last months so going out to clubs is a totally new thing for me meeting new people is what i love doing on a night out weather im sober or drunk i love going out.......... yer sure your head will hurt in the morning but who cears LOL i love the single life and i don't like valentine's day at all :D

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