UNCRC: The 18-24 Debate
You may already have heard of The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (The UNCRC). It's an agreement signed by many governments all across the world that outlines and protects the human rights of people under the age of 18. And right now, your opinion is needed to decide whether it should apply to over 17s as well.
Human rights are guarantees that protect individuals and groups from actions that affect their freedom and human dignity. Human rights are things that you are entitled to simply by being alive. They are:-
- Universal: the same for everyone
- Indivisible: equally important
- Inalienable: all humans have them and they cannot be taken away
Since May of this year, all Ministers who work in the Welsh Government have to consider the UNCRC when they are doing their work. However the UNCRC currently only affects the rights of those under 18. In Wales, the government definition of a young person is anyone aged between 11-25. This has raised the question: should the UNCRC apply to people older than 17? At present, 18-24 year olds are covered under the standard Human Rights Act rather than the UNCRC, which is tailored towards young people.
This question is being opened up to young people — of all ages — because your opinion matters. Between now and Dec 28th you are being asked to submit your views on whether or not the UNCRC should apply to 18-24 year olds in Wales.
If you want your opinion to be heard, and to play a role in deciding the future of human rights in Wales, then please take some time to read the documents on the consultation page — which will explain the relevant differences between the Human Rights Act and the UNCRC — and submit your opinions.
You can also leave comments and questions at the bottom of this article. Discussion, as always, is encouraged.
7 Comments – Post a comment
Commented 43 months ago - 25th October 2012 - 19:02pm
The ages of 18-25 can be tough, especially just coming out of education. Its a huge amount of freedom is given when support from the UNCRC stops. So yea, I agree with the extension.
Dan (Sub-Editor)
Commented 43 months ago - 25th October 2012 - 21:53pm
Thanks for your input, End0fDarkness.
Would you like us to pass your comment on, or would you rather submit your opinions directly on the consultation page?
Commented 43 months ago - 26th October 2012 - 22:03pm
The Age i think should be 0-25 because young people are in the age bracket of 11-25 but if you are over 18 and not covered by the UNCRC then the young people may think what is the point of me giving my opinions on specific topics
Commented 43 months ago - 27th October 2012 - 09:50am
Definitely 25. When I went to Berlin to see how they worked with young people, they worked up to 25, but in some cases that was extended to 27 if there were more complex issues.
I think that with all of the cuts and new sanctions the government are bringing in with housing benefit and job seekers allowance there are going to be a lot of people, us young people especially who are going to struggle to cope. If the UNCRC was extended to 25, it would mean that young people had a little more protection.
We are the next generation after all.
Commented 43 months ago - 28th October 2012 - 16:00pm
i'm not quite sure what the point your trying to get accross but i do agree with the vidieo and we, the children are worth something.
Commented 43 months ago - 1st November 2012 - 14:03pm
Sorry for the late reply 'CLICdan', be so much better when I have proper internet access. I'll post it directly to the consultation page. Thanks for the link.
'twilight', who was that directed to btw?
Commented 43 months ago - 1st November 2012 - 14:06pm