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Tribute: Charlie Hebdo

Posted by simdude101 (correspondent) from Cardiff - Published on 27/01/2015 at 16:02
0 comments » - Tagged as Culture, People, Topical

  • Charlie Hebdo in Candles

This article is a slightly more emotional addition to TheSprout, but I felt that it was necessary.

Almost all of you will be aware of the horrendous events that happened in Paris recently.

Gunmen jumped out of a car and mindlessly gunned down 12 people in an editorial meeting for the magazine Charlie Hebdo. A police officer was also shot, even when he asked for mercy. Then, there was a siege of a supermarket, which resulted in a full-scale raid of the shop. Both events were ruthless and heartless and resulted in the death of 17 people.

The events have sparked a feeling of unity right the way through France and the world. The saying "The pen is mightier than the sword" has taken on even greater meaning.

Also, a hashtag is going around social media: #jesuischarlie. This literally means 'I am Charlie'. I urge you to hashtag this to show your support for all the victims and to support the unity, which is needed so much right-now - right throughout the world.

'The pen is mightier than the sword'


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Related Series: SproutNews by simdude 101 (correspondent)

Image Credit: Yves Tennevin via compfight cc.

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