TheSprout Awards 2011: Thank You!
Oh don’t you just love the morning after the night before. But what a night! The second-ever Sprout Awards went off with an almighty bang (not literally, thankfully), so a massive thank you to everyone who came, the night wouldn't have been the same without you.
I’d also like to thank everyone who donated prizes for the awards:
- Blue Banana for the awesome goodie bags
- Cardiff Blues for the tickets for the home game against Treviso on April 21st
- Glenn Edwards (previous winner of UK Press Photographer of the Year) for the opportunity to spend a day in the field with him and for a signed copy of his book Africa Against All Odds
- Hobo’s in High Street Arcade for the awesome Lomo Robot Camera (damn I wanted that)
- Wales Rally GB for the tickets for Rallyfest in June
- The Welsh Assembly Government for offering work experience
- Giggle Magazine for the opportunity for a Sprouter to be published in their frankly awesome magazine
- And The Big Sleep Hotel
None of these prizes would have happened without the hard work of Wayne, Emily and Ryan *round of applause*
And keep up the clapping for the three wonderful comedy acts that had us in stitches: Robin Morgan, Ludus Ludius Youth Group and Taylor Glenn. You guys were freaking ace! And they were crystal clear, thanks to the hard work of Ceri the sound guy, cheers dude, and everything was recorded for posterity thanks to the mad camera skillz of Dayana, Dan and Steve.
I’d like to say a big thank you to Burning Red, especially Lo, for all the amazing work that they’ve done; the logos, the poll, the awesome hoodies, the certificates, et cetera et cetera. I’m sure you agree that they all looked ruddy brilliant. Thank you!
All this happened within the wonderful walls of Y Fuwch Goch, thanks guys for having us for a second year, the buffet was bangin’!
And last and certainly not least a ma-hoo-sive thank you to our wonderful hosts Sam and Holly, events live and die by the quality of their hosts and you guys pulled it off with aplomb. Thank you so much!
Right I’m pretty much thanked out now, if I’ve missed anyone out I’m really sorry, you know it still feels like the morning after the night before in my head but your efforts were greatly appreciated.
More images and stuff to come...
Related Articles:
TheSprout Awards 2011: The Results
4 Comments – Post a comment
Commented 62 months ago - 1st April 2011 - 15:33pm
Here, here!
Commented 62 months ago - 1st April 2011 - 20:18pm
Awesome =)
Thanks again for such an awesome night!
And it was our pleasure to host for you guys!!
Commented 62 months ago - 4th April 2011 - 01:45am
It was indeed an awsome night, i wish i could've stuck around longer but i had to catch the train lol Still really awsome nigh so glad i went
Sprout Editor
Commented 62 months ago - 8th April 2011 - 10:00am
It was an amazing night! Such a high standard of writing, bring on the next one! :)