The S.M.A.R.T Project
CVCDP Youth Forum are running an exciting, much needed media access project 'The S.M.A.R.T Project' (Smart, Media, Access, Rights, Training) for young people aged 10-21 years, whose lives are affected by an impairment or health condition.
The S.M.A.R.T project is about looking at access issues, checking venues, whilst learning new skills, meeting new friends, having fun and producing a much needed youth access guide for young disabled people living and visiting Cardiff.
It an opportunity to get involved in access awareness training, learning new skills delivered by professionals, in video-recording and editing, photography, I.T, developing interview skills and much more.
Here is a chance to get young disabled people voices heard on issues that matter to them and creating a right to be heard in decision making. The project gives an opportunity for young people to explore alternative careers that are not offered by the curriculum and provide youth with a taste of alternative vision.
Space studios are assisting us with editing; this is an exciting element of the project, as Space Studios is where they edit Dr Who; which has interested all the members- due to its professionals standards, use of industry-standard equipment, services and the genuine vocational element that this media access project offers.
Eak Design is supporting us with the layout and graphics for the access media guide. One of the young people, who have seen the company’s work, is ecstatic to learn the skills they are offering to the project due to the professional and high standards of creativity.
If you are a young disabled person then why not come and join us!
For further information please contact Cardiff and Vale Coalition of Disabled People (CVCDP)
Tel:02920 255611
Email: info (at)
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