The Riots: Witness In Birmingham
On a recent visit to Birmingham I was shocked to find myself in the middle of the rioting that now seems to be a copycat chain that is happening throughout England.
Trust my luck, I found myself in the Britannia Hotel, a hotel on the high street in the centre of Birmingham.
Naively peering from my window I believed there was nothing more than a protest happening just yards from my hotel.
As my boyfriend and I went on a hunt for a nice restaurant we were shocked to see the real cause of grief on the streets of Birmingham. As we strolled up the high street gangs of young boys and girls ran past and in front of us while onlookers looked amazed and disgusted by the youngsters’ actions. As we approached T-Mobile we saw a group of youngsters begin to kick and smash the door down, once the entrance was clear they egged their friends and other youngsters to join in, taking anything and everything they could.
Whilst continuing up the high street this image of youngsters looting was constant. The high street was no longer covered in busy shoppers but broken glass, hangers and tags. A question that has been raised by many is whether the police had done enough to protect society. In my opinion seeing first-hand the scale of people and youngsters involved, the police most definitely had no chance in controlling everything. Although there were many officers and riot vans the numbers just didn’t add up when stacked against rebelling youngsters. Recently on the news I saw a debate about whether there is reason behind these events. I feel this aren't any as all I saw was greed in these youngsters’ eyes as they chose shops with expensive items and shop windows with appealing goods. Looting is a crime. Thieving is a crime. Why must people try and find reasons to justify youngsters’ actions?
Once back in the hotel room I was somewhat taken aback by what I had seen and rather scared. As I tried to get some sleep there was no silence, just police sirens, smashing glass and the sound of people running.
What are your beliefs on the riots are they mindless criminals or youngsters fighting back?
Info World, Europe, UK & Wales Politics
IMAGE: Night Looting by ssoosay
Related Article: Oh Britain
3 Comments – Post a comment
Commented 57 months ago - 13th August 2011 - 09:05am
"Why must people try and find reasons to justify youngsters’ actions?"
Trying to understand the reasons behind the riots is not trying to justify them but to understand why they occured so as to prevent them happening again. Simply locking these young people up isn't going to stop similar events in the future.
Commented 57 months ago - 13th August 2011 - 11:20am
I agree with your statement above but i do feel also in someways people are justifying the actions proclaiming these youngsters are treated wrongly by police, and that the way they live is their 'culture'. On the news I have heard young on lookers explain that the actions are not merely criminal but have reason behind them. Just because it is their culture and they have reasons should we even need to ask whether these events are youngsters fighting back? Because regardless of that they are partaking in criminal acts.
Commented 57 months ago - 13th August 2011 - 15:40pm
Words could not express the sorrow I feel for this country.