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The Future Of The Globe

Posted by Sprout Editor from Cardiff - Published on 23/04/2010 at 15:38
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The Globe re-opened last weekend, after its closure for soundproofing, in a bid to stay a-float since the Council revoked its live music license.  It opened with a brilliant performance by Robyn Hitchcock in a typically intimate Globe style.  The music seemed to have been written for this occasion, it fit perfectly with the vibe of the evening.  The acoustic sounds were almost sympathetic to the feeling of uncertainty of whether this venue will survive the attack. 

I stood only feet away from the legend that is Robyn Hitchcock and it made me think ‘ where else do I get this?’.  It reminded me of days in 'The Point', rest in peace, and the good old days back when 'The Toucan' was on St Mary’s St.  Do all good venues in Cardiff have to close?  I was surrounded by music lovers, young and old.  There are surely enough of us in support of these venues, aren't there?

So the Globe has done all they can.  It was a good opening night and was hopefully not one of the last.  This venue is on our side.  It sticks up for music.  The tickets are reasonably priced, the acts are of a high caliber and you don’t need to take a loan out to go to the bar.

A lot of money has been spent on soundproofing and hopefully their efforts will not be in vain.  Early sound tests were completed last week with promising results.  The venue's fate now lies in the hands of the Council as to whether or not the license will be re-instated.  The hearing is on the 30th April, so fingers crossed.

In the meantime the Globe has secured some temporary event notices for the next few weeks.  As follows:

Friday 23rd April

The Bohemians (Queen tribute act)


£10 adv / £8 NUS

Saturday 24th April


£5 entry on the door

Friday 30th April

Coldplace (Number 1 UK Coldplay tribute act)

£7 / £5- NUS

Check out www.theglobecardiff.com for more details.

IMAGE: birzer

Read more about the fight to save the Globe here.  Or why not write your own article about Cardiff's music scene by signing up to theSprout here.

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