Sweden Calling
Entries for this opportunity are now closed
Fancy a week in Sweden, all expenses paid?
Two lucky young people will represent CLIConline and indeed Wales as part of the ERYICA campaign Youth on the Move – InfoMobility (YoMIM) raising awareness of the importance of youth information.
The training course for young ambassadors will take place in Stockholm from 26 – 31 May 2013. There will be around 20 young people attending from various countries in Europe.
All travel, food and accommodation is paid for. You would only need spending money while you are there.
We are looking for young people aged 18 to 22 who have a positive experience of using youth information, and are motivated and confident to speak in public on behalf of their peers about CLIConline and youth information.
The objectives of the training course are to:
- Develop the youth ambassadors network to ensure it continues to raise awareness of the importance of young people's right to information through peer-to-peer actions
- Increase the competences and abilities of young people to spread the message among young people, decision-makers and media regarding the importance of young people's right to information
- Strengthen the co-operation between young people coming from different parts of Europe by enhancing open attitudes towards different cultural experiences
There will be further opportunities for the youth ambassadors to be involved in events both in Wales and in other countries in Europe.
What we would like you to do:
- Comment below telling us why you would like the opportunity by Monday 18 March
- Prepare a five-minute presentation about CLIConline and why it is important for young people
- Attend an interview (with the presentation) during the Easter holidays at ProMo-Cymru in Cardiff Bay
If you would like to put yourself forward, you must be available on the dates above for the training and have a valid passport.
Any specific questions relating to the training in Stockholm can be answered at the interview.
Read about hiyamynameissophie's trip to Malta on the last ERYICA trip
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IMAGE: mandolux via Compfight cc
13 Comments – Post a comment
Commented 38 months ago - 8th March 2013 - 14:50pm
nice (:
Weeping Tudor
Commented 38 months ago - 8th March 2013 - 18:21pm
This sounds fantasic! But I'm just over the age requirements. Could an expection be made for me? Pretty please? It would be an honour to take part.
Commented 38 months ago - 9th March 2013 - 23:46pm
The English woman in the video is she a witch, she said in the beginning of the video "mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all" this is witchcraft. I have also just finished reading a book called the (witches of Mohra in Sweden) and I thought what a funny coincidence.
Commented 38 months ago - 10th March 2013 - 11:54am
This sounds like a brilliant opportunity! After hearing about the amazing times Robiu and Sophie had last year, I am only more convinced to apply again, especially as it is this year being held in Stockholm, a city I have wanted to visit for a long time (that video only highlights how beautiful the city really is). As well as an opportunity to see one of the world's most beautiful cities, it would also be an honour to represent CLIConline, an organisation that has helped me so much, on the European youth information stage. I'm really into Euopean multiculturalism and think it's important to ensure that Britain and Wales remain a part of this important world stature. it would be brilliant to learn more about the other European cultures present as well as share my own Welsh and British culture with them! Plus it's in Stockholm! Stockholm!! As in Sweden! How cool is that?
Commented 38 months ago - 10th March 2013 - 15:23pm
I would love to have the opportunity to take part in this! I am studying English at university, so what I love about CLIConline and The Sprout is that it allows young people an opportunity to develop their writing skills by sharing information about what concerns them. As an open media, this is achieved through articles, videos and creative writing, allowing a broad range of young people with a broad range of talents to find the service accessible and incredibly useful. I have taken part in events such as the European Youth Parliament at the National Assembly, which encouraged young people to debate important issues, and a mock UN debate, both of which required confident public speaking. These events also enforced my conviction that young people have great things to say and should be given the opportunity to express themselves via services like CLIConline! I would like to be a youth ambassador because I am passionate about the sharing of information amongst young people, and as someone who is confident and a good speaker I believe I could represent CLIConline well.
Commented 38 months ago - 12th March 2013 - 00:15am
It would be a waste not to apply for this opportunity. I am a friendly approachable person who stands up for what i believe in. One of those thins is providing young people with endless opportunities.
I remember once during mt first years of comprehensive school, one or two students were excluded from certain activities due to disabilities and everyone just accepted it because they didn't know they had the right to be included. I also know that I didn't start learning about my rights as a young person until quite recently. It's important that young people know their rights so they can be included, and treated fairly.
I also believe that young people should be proud of their culture, though between Ireland, Wales and Scotland, Wales celebrates it's culture the least (in my opinion). This is why i feel young people need to be proud of their heritage and to be ready to share knowledge of their culture, and in return, be ready to learn about the cultures of others.
I would like to opportunity to learn how to let young people know their rights and how to be aware of their own and others cultures. I feel this can help build confidence in out community of young people.
Finally. I am training for my Youth Work Level Two and feel this could greatly add to my training and life experience. I will be able to further my knowledge of Youth's rights, meet new people and experience a new culture. I am a confident young lady with a lot of fire to offer. Perfect for public speaking!
I hope you consider my application.
Thanks :)
National Editor
Commented 38 months ago - 12th March 2013 - 09:48am
Thank you for your inspiring entries thus far!
Weeping Tudor - sorry sire, we'd love to bend the rules but it isn't our project. :(
Mick - good question, to which I don't know the answer, although please feel free to upload a review of the book should you feel inclined!
Weeping Tudor
Commented 38 months ago - 14th March 2013 - 14:05pm
Can I confirm, is it ok to apply now, National Editior? I have spoken with the relevant people and they have said I could apply.
National Editor
Commented 38 months ago - 14th March 2013 - 14:14pm
Will email you now, Weeping Tudor...
Commented 38 months ago - 17th March 2013 - 18:00pm
I would be honoured to take part in this incredible opportunity. I have been a member of my local Youth Forum for almost six and a half years, and through my work with the forum I have developed good speaking and people skills, improved my confidence, and as a result I went on to become a Sixth Form representative, and then Prefect at secondary school, and twice took part in the UN Mock Debate.
I have also represented my county on trips to the European Parliament in Brussels, at Poland day in Bytom celebrating Poland’s admission into the EU, and as the elected Youth Mayor, as well as representing Wales at the Youth Advocates Programme in Beijing, China during the Paralympic Games.
I studied Politics at Swansea University during this time, which further developed my writing, research and debating skills, and began my interest in writing, contributing to my University newspaper & radio station, undergoing placements with AMs in their constituencies and in the National Assembly, and with local newspapers and information websites.
I believe CLIC online is a fantastic service that allows young people to practice what they love doing, provides them with a platform for other things they may be interested in, and give them confidence that they can use in other areas of life. It also provides good information for people on a wide range of topics and issues, and an easy way to find out what matters to you and where to go for that help.
Therefore, I believe I have the confidence, the experience as an ambassador for by area and for Wales, and the necessary skills and knowledge to be a representative for CLIC online.
Weeping Tudor
Commented 38 months ago - 18th March 2013 - 02:31am
After achieving a Combined Studies degree, I now crave an opportunity such as this. I studied nine different subjects which we're rooted in the arts, but a few were in the sciences. I have plenty of key skills. These include being presentable, professional, articulate, cultured, organised, friendly and approachable. I have enjoyed doing numerous presentations and public speaking roles over the past decade. I was Course Representative for the last two years of my degree. I represented over seventy students and spoke to many younger than myself in tackling different concerns with the course.
I believe that young people need more opportunities than ever before. It is through this that youth information is pivotal in todays society and in its distribution and content. We must nurture talent and create a positive scope on the future in Wales. Our relationship with Europe now is more important than ever. The fusion of various cultures, customs and heritage are abundant on the continent. As has been attempted in the past, we shall endeavour to put Wales on the international map.
Although my time for now with Cliconline, ProMo-Cymru and The Sprout has been short, I hope to broaden my experiences by utilising the time left with more planning, promotion and assistance for all three establishments.
I even know some Swedish.
Commented 38 months ago - 18th March 2013 - 19:38pm
The accessibility of information for young people across Wales is definitely the most important thing. With not everyone having the luxury of a computer, or internet access at home, it really does highlight the importance of youth centres.
There are people from all walks of life, with different backgrounds, and different problems. CLIConline allows these young people the opportunity to get information they need from a safe and secure environment. An opportunity that every young person in Wales deserves. The fact is that CLIConline is an incredibly valuable asset to the lives of young people all over Wales.
My personal experience has been as a member of the Pembrokeshire Youth Editorial Team. Although my involvement with the youth service has been short, it has no doubt been inspirational, and a complete eye-opener to the importance of youth information.
As the Editorial team only started up in early 2012, it is incredible to see the progress such a project can have on the local community, having been nominated at the Youth Excellence Awards 2013 for Developing New Skills For Young People.
This has not only allowed me to improve my skills, but also provided a platform for me to pursue my career aspirations as a journalist. A platform that similar projects can offer to many other young people. It has also made me aware of the importance of young people having access to accurate, up to date and relevant information.
National Editor
Commented 38 months ago - 19th March 2013 - 12:23pm
Entries are now closed, thanks guys.
We will be in touch shortly with an interview date and times.