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Stop: A Brief View On The Humble Telegram

Posted by Weeping Tudor from Cardiff - Published on 07/03/2013 at 15:11
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  • telegram

This was a little bit of writing I did to aid my application for a placement with the Science Museum (for which I was unsuccessful).

It would have involved excepting people telegrams as donations along with documenting and cataloguing the history and other details.

I think what I have written below is a statement about the way we live with communication today.

Telegrams play a pivotal role in the history of communication.

Some say it with flowers, but at a certain time most would have said it with a telegram.

Long before text, emails, voice mail, it was the simple sliver of paper or card that featured to the point messages, yet were always clear to the receiver. They remain even more important today, as we have moved into such a 'throw away' society.

Like writing a letter to someone, can they ever reclaim their status as the best and most thoughtful of communications? 

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Photo Credit: Mr. Velocipede via Compfight cc

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