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Stonewall Cymru's Information Service

Posted by G123 from Cardiff - Published on 26/02/2016 at 15:32
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  • Stonewall Cymru Logo

Drum roll please...

Introducing Stonewall Cymru's new information service!

The service aims to offer information and signposting on a range of issues affecting lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) people in Wales.

This can include hate crime and information on understanding and reporting it, marriage and the laws in place and your rights. Civil partnerships, information on parenting rights for same sex couples, adopting and fostering, fertility treatment and surrogacy, parenting and discrimination.

Stonewall Cymru's lovely volunteers can also provide details for organisations in Wales that work to support LGBT people, provide social spaces, advocacy, legal advice and a range of other services.

To get in contact with the Stonewall Cymru's Information Service:

Ring: 08000 50 20 20 Monday - Friday, 9.30am - 5.30pm

Email: cymru@stonewallcymru.org.uk

Tweet: @stonewallukinfo or @StonewallCymru

Or via this page

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