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Shopping Warfare

Posted by Faymondo:) from Cardiff - Published on 07/09/2009 at 00:00
1 comments » - Tagged as Culture, People

  • a chugger at work

Just got back from shopping in town and I’ve only got one word for you: nightmare!

The shopping part was great, as my Mum thankfully got me the last two books of a series I have wanted for ages... but the fact that it’s not really the most relaxing experience has my complaint.

For a start, it has always been a known fact that women/girls need to go to the toilet more often than men/boys. So answer this question: why are there not more facilities for women like this, in a place that is crowded with women!?

If you don’t believe me just go to the one in St David’s Centre or any toilet facility in town and I assure you, there will be a queue, that will last all day as more and more women line up to use that facility.

I know it’s hard to make some more space, but surely, instead of more and more of the same shops going up, people should be building more toilets for women? Or maybe we could just take some of the men’s space and attach it to ours, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.

Anyways, I know I’ve talked a lot about toilets, and women, but seriously people, this really needs to get sorted! Also, what is it with people on the walkway, bugging you and trying to get your attention? It’s really annoying when, say you’ve just come out of a shop, your hands loaded with shopping bags, and someone comes up to you and offers you some water? I mean, how random! Yes, it’s great for you and everything, but it’s really not that hot here.

We needed that when my family and I went to Fuerteventura and it was 52 degrees, not in Wales when it’s only 10 degrees. Also, haven’t they heard of ‘don’t take anything from strangers’? We don’t even know if that water is new or has been tampered with.

Also, there are those people who try to get you to visit their restaurant, that is ‘just around the corner’, but to be honest, if I wanted to go to the restaurant, I would go myself without the help of people advertising them. It really doesn’t matter if it’s around the corner, do they really expect me to drop my bags and hurry off to this restaurant? Uh, no I don’t think so.

I could go on and on complaining about these people, but I just wanted to get a point across. Does all this advertising actually increase the attendance at these places? Of course, there are many other advertising people on the streets telling you about car insurance, mortgages, mobile phones, computers, magazines, etc. but really, do we actually care?

And on that note, I’ll let you decide what the answer is...

Related Article: Chuggers

1 CommentPost a comment

little me

Commented 42 months ago - 16th November 2012 - 09:45am

I totally agree i really dont care about restaurant advertisment or magaizines being sold. i dont get why people even give you the papers because if i wanted one much id go out a by one. anyway i loved your article please keep writing more.

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