Sexism & Labels
I absolutely hate sexism and I cannot even say how much I hate labels.
I have this friend who is transgender and people don't know whether to call him a 'him' or a 'her'. I'm there, listening to this conversation and thinking, 'Oh my god!' get the hell over it! Call him what ever he wants to be called.
And I just don't understand homophobia; yes I understand the meaning, just not why people hate other people just because of who they are. It makes no sense.
I hate the way that people are labelled 'gay' or 'straight'. I believe that you should fall in love with whoever the hell you want to fall in love with and that you shouldn't let the pressures of society suppress who you are. You should be who you are, love who you fall in love with and do what you want with your life.
I don't understand how people can see a person who loves another person of the same sex as 'inferior' or 'not right'. I read these articles in the news of people who have done horrid things to other people because they are gay. Everyone is entitled to be who he or she wants to be.
Sorry, rant over.
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IMAGE: biphop
5 Comments – Post a comment
Commented 42 months ago - 21st November 2012 - 13:44pm
Well said, I have the 'is IT a boy or a girl' talk behind my back regularly, it's ever so much fun
Commented 42 months ago - 21st November 2012 - 23:14pm
Honestly, I never really understood the 'gay' 'straight' thing either. Or that people really feel the need to confirm to a gender binary. I don't confirm to a gender binary but for everyone else's convenience I say that I'm gay. In the end I start to think 'well, what difference does it make what we are or what we like? It's the who bit that counts'.
Commented 42 months ago - 23rd November 2012 - 06:40am
People are people. you love who you want to and you should be who you want to be. end of
Commented 42 months ago - 23rd November 2012 - 06:55am
Btw, if anyone ever needs to talk, I'm always here & i'll try my best to help.
Commented 42 months ago - 23rd November 2012 - 19:47pm
@AddictedToDrPepper1, Thanks, it doesn't matter whether ur male or female. you're human,a person, not an 'it'. some people just don't get that