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School Sport

Posted by archifCLICarchive from National - Published on 01/05/2009 at 14:21
0 comments » - Tagged as Education, Sport & Leisure

I'm a 13-year-old-girl who has a passion for sport, as many girls do.

But I find that there?are many people, and not just in my school,?who they say they hate sport.

I cannot see how anyone could hate it.

Some might not be as good at it or as fit as others, but there are other sports that take less effort.

Sporty types enjoy everything from quick cricket to dance, whereas non sporty people, who?think of?themselves as nobodies, hide in the corner and don't like to participate.

I would tell people who?are down because they feel they're not good at any sport that they are great at at least one sport, no matter how un-cool or stupid they feel it is.

If you don't like any sports in school, look at the others you could do: horse riding, ping-pong, maybe even slow dance, jazz or tap.

But don't put yourself down because you think your not good at anything. Participation is the key.

Does it really matter if you're not as good as the popular people in your group? Does it matter if you don't score a goal in hockey? Does it matter if you don't jump as high as the highest high jumper? My answer to those questions is "no".

Don't put yourself down just because you think you're rubbish, when it's fact that nobody is rubbish at anything.

You don't even have to compete, you can just do it for fun. I mean come on, we still find 80-year-olds playing bowls in the park. That's a sport. Some people feel they're to old to play sport and that they can't, but they're never too old for bowls!

So, if you are one of those people who thinks they're rubbish and just sits in the corner and considers themselves a nobody because to be popular you have to be good at sport, don't put yourself down because in reality you're just as good as everybody else.

If you're the stubborn type and think "I don't want to be an athlete; I don't want to be a PE teacher", stop and think to yourself, "I can get enjoyment out of this".

Just enjoy the rest of your school life as the teenager who finds fun in everything, not just English and maths!

And remember, participation is key (and fun!).

LINKS :: Sport Directory :: Sport.Cardiff :: Leisure Centres :: Sports Council For Wales :: G?l Soccer Schools?

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