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Review: TheSprout Awards 2012

Posted by hisgirl210410 from Cardiff - Published on 31/03/2012 at 22:50
6 comments » - Tagged as Festivals, People

  • TheSprout Awards 2012

So tonight was awesome! Of course it was theSprout Awards 2012.

If you don't know what they are then where have you been?

They are basically a time to celebrate all the awesome articles, people and comments that make theSprout what it is.

There were loads of prizes, food and some really good entertainment, not forgetting a pair of fabulous hosts in Sam and Yasmin that could give Ant and Dec a run for their money!

It was my first Sprout Awards and the atmosphere was extremely friendly and fun from beginning to end.

I suppose this review (if you can call it that) is just going to be short as I'm worn out. It's also a chance to say another big thank you to Arielle and the ProMo-Cymru team that made it happen, we really appreciate it!

I'm still on a high from the whole experience!

If you didn't manage to make it this year then make sure you do next year, we'd love to see you there.

Now I'm going to go crash out and sleep, bye guys.

Related Article: TheSprout Awards 2012: The Results

What is The Sprout?  Sprout Awards

IMAGE: Ihavethecyrusvirusx

6 CommentsPost a comment



Commented 50 months ago - 2nd April 2012 - 12:42pm

gutted i could make it, really looking forward to that. Who wion what awards ??

Sam Sprout (Editor)

Sam Sprout (Editor)

Commented 50 months ago - 2nd April 2012 - 13:05pm

There'll be an article up soon.

Sam Sprout (Editor)

Sam Sprout (Editor)

Commented 50 months ago - 2nd April 2012 - 13:52pm

It's now live.

Sprout Editor

Sprout Editor

Commented 50 months ago - 2nd April 2012 - 15:00pm

Thanks to you too hisgirl210410. What a brilliant year it's been?! It's people like you that make theSprout so amazing



Commented 50 months ago - 3rd April 2012 - 18:45pm

It was an amazing evening. Thanks again Arielle, Sam, Dayana and all the other fabulous people at the Pro-Mo Cymru offices that put the awards together

Sprout Editor

Sprout Editor

Commented 50 months ago - 4th April 2012 - 14:53pm

Thank you too Tansi. Your award was a thank you to all the extra help you've given us this year. Most Involved Sprouter is a real achievement!

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