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Review: My Worlds

Posted by archifCLICarchive from National - Published on 05/08/2010 at 12:47
4 comments » - Tagged as Music

  • Seriously?

My Worlds begins with the Justin Bieber’s dbut single One Time. If you are sickened by the very sound of his voice, I’d advise you to swiftly return this album with the receipt back to the shop where you purchased it and get your money, back because many of the eighteen songs on this album follow a familiar pattern of frustratingly catchy songs.

The album also provides us with a few ballads to show the world that this pop sensation has a sensitive side, cue wistful sigh.

It ends with That Should Be Me, a mega ballad that gets a bit too much, with the cringe-inducing wailing of a seemingly pre-pubescent teen.

All in all, this album may be deemed as some lightweight-pop-fluff by all you hardcore music fans, but it’s actually decent.

I particularly like Love Me, which samples The Cardigans' Love Fool, with its electro undertones and infectious beat. Stuck In The Moment is not to be overlooked, as is Up and U Smile.

However, this album is not without its blunders, in particular the frankly shocking Runaway Love. I can only describe the 3:32 minutes of pop trash that I endured while listening to it as physically painful and I urge anyone with a low pain threshold to definitely give this one a miss.

If you think that Justin Bieber is nothing more than a three-year-old girl trapped in a twelve-year-old boy's body, give this album a miss. But if you squeal at the very thought of his name, you will be more than satisfied with this album, but then again you probably pre-ordered the album without even listening to it beforehand.

Word of advice Justin, stick to the catchy songs and sing-along lyrics, but show some mercy and please spare us the ballads.

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4 CommentsPost a comment

justin bieber 4 ever

justin bieber 4 ever

Commented 51 months ago - 8th February 2012 - 09:45am

i loves justin bieber my world and i got every cd of him and a drawing of him and posters and i am obcessed with him i have 100 pitchers of him on my ipod and phone

christian beadles 4 ever

Commented 51 months ago - 8th February 2012 - 14:33pm

i hate justin bieber so much

PB girl

PB girl

Commented 51 months ago - 8th February 2012 - 15:04pm




Commented 40 months ago - 11th January 2013 - 09:45am


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