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Racism: Something I Witnessed

Posted by archifCLICarchive from National - Published on 07/07/2011 at 12:27
1 comments » - Tagged as Education, People

  • School Corridor

Recently in school there was an argument between two boys. One boy kept picking on the other boy for no reason what-so-ever other than the colour of his skin and the other boy didn’t want to tell anyone so he just kept it to himself.

Then one day I witnessed this boy walking down the corridor and the other one basically grabbed him by the scuff of the neck and pinned him against the wall.

As soon as I saw it I told a teacher straight away. I was not going having people picking on people in my school and no-one knowing about it. The teacher sorted it out and the relationship between the two people involved is alright now.


Info  Education  In School 11-16  Bullying

Info  Law & Rights  Discrimination  Racism

Organisations  Cardiff Against Bullying (CAB)

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IMAGE: Corridor by kevindooley

1 CommentPost a comment



Commented 59 months ago - 7th July 2011 - 12:49pm

It's so great to see that some people will take action against things like that. Well done.

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