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Psychoblob Speaks...

Posted by psychoblob from Cardiff - Published on 12/11/2013 at 15:27
7 comments » - Tagged as Comedy

  • Nyan Cat

Dora The Explorer

Have you noticed, Dora the Explorer is like five-years-old but she gets more freedom than a teenager? And, I would definitely take her around the world if I had to choose one person, because that girl has everything in her backpack!

Articles Â» Categories Â» Travel

Nyan Cat Galaxy

There is a video on YouTube called Nyan Cat 10 Hours, of which I watched six hours. After those six hours, of that annoying little song, in my little bedroom, with a Pop-Tart cat running through space, pooping rainbows, I punched my computer screen. I would advise not to do that.

Articles Â» Categories Â» Technology

On the Web Â» Safety Information


Animal Rights

In my opinion, animals should be running the world. They are stronger, sometimes smarter, and far more powerful that we are. The only reason the Human Race is ruling the roost, if you think about, is because we have opposable thumbs.

Info Â» Environment Â» Plants and animals Â» Protecting Animals

Organisations Â» Young People's Trust for the Environment

7 CommentsPost a comment



Commented 30 months ago - 12th November 2013 - 15:34pm

I wish my dog had opposable thumbs. *sigh*



Commented 30 months ago - 12th November 2013 - 16:51pm

why on earth would you want a dog with apposable thumbs when you could have a giraffe with apposable thumbs??!



Commented 30 months ago - 13th November 2013 - 12:39pm

Nice article. What about a T rex with apposable thumbs?



Commented 30 months ago - 13th November 2013 - 17:13pm

now that, would be cool. x



Commented 30 months ago - 14th November 2013 - 12:39pm




Commented 30 months ago - 14th November 2013 - 12:39pm

What about a koala with apposable thumbs?



Commented 30 months ago - 14th November 2013 - 16:23pm

dont they already have apposable thumbs? x

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