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Powerless: Part Three

Posted by psychoblob from Cardiff - Published on 06/01/2014 at 13:18
1 comments » - Tagged as Creative Writing, People

  • Power Line

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Alice, Harry, Jo and Amy pulled up outside Benny's - a quiet little restaurant about ten minutes from their home.

They got out the car, and reached the double doors.

As soon as they stepped into the door, a small, almost lizard-like man came and said to them, "A table for four, sir?"

"Yes, thank you," Harry replied, slightly started at the sudden appearance of the man.

They were led to a table in the corner, next to the window.

"Here are your menus, Sir," announced the man, before scuttling off to the kitchen.

"So, girls, what do you want to drink?" Harry inquired.

"Pepsi!" the two screamed in unison.

"Alright, alright! Keep your voices down!" Harry chuckled. The girls weren't allowed fizzy drinks that often. Because of Jo's diabetes, she had to drink diet.

"Can I get you your drinks?" A young waitress had come to their table, holding a small notebook.

"Yes, thank you. Can I have one Pepsi regular, one diet, one lemonade, and, Al, what would you like?"

Alice asked the waitress for a lemonade too.

"Will that be all?" the waitress asked.

"Yes, thank you," Harry replied.

She too, swooped back into the kitchen.

"So, girls, I think..."

"What? What what what what what," Little Amy chanted.

"Well, I think got the job!"

"Oh, dad! That's awesome!"

Suddenly, all the lights in Benny's went off.

Events Â» January 2014's Sprout Editorial Group Meeting

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Photo Credit: liquidnight via Compfight cc

1 CommentPost a comment



Commented 28 months ago - 7th January 2014 - 12:27pm

Wow that got me hooked!

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