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Poem: Where's Your Innocence Now?

Posted by emb789 from Cardiff - Published on 18/09/2010 at 11:19
4 comments » - Tagged as Creative Writing

  • Despair

She's missing something,
Something she didn't notice,
But she feels its absence.

The absence of innocence in her mind,
Her mind which was purer than fresh spring water,
Her mind which was happier than a unicorn,
And now it's the saddest of them all.

Every corner of her mind,
There's nowhere she can escape,
Every corner filled with more emotion,
Yet she's missing her emotion,
She's missing her emotion.

Despair in every corner,
Filling every inch,
If she can't feel safe in her mind,
Where can she feel safe?
Despair filling her like a lead balloon.

She was whiter than a dove,
Purer than a lily,
But that lily has wilted,
She's the blackest raven now.

Traces of happiness here and there,
But everywhere she turns, there's more despair,
Will she ever escape this despair?

News  Categories  Creative Writing

Info  Health  Emotional and Mental Health

IMAGE: Lost Tree by h.koppdelaney 

4 CommentsPost a comment



Commented 68 months ago - 18th September 2010 - 12:11pm

very dark and very good indeed
nice work :D



Commented 68 months ago - 19th September 2010 - 01:05am

I love it.



Commented 68 months ago - 20th September 2010 - 17:47pm

strange but meaningfull



Commented 64 months ago - 18th January 2011 - 10:05am

Very strong peice, brilliant work

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