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Poem: That Feeling.

Posted by psychoblob from Cardiff - Published on 21/11/2013 at 08:24
3 comments » - Tagged as Creative Writing, People

  • Anger

That feeling boils up inside you.
The same red as hell fire.
You get this feeling from jealousy,
Fighting, or a liar.

Reading this, you know it's anger.
Anger painful as a knife.
Eating away from the inside,
Destroying your life.

You may feel like punching,
Kicking, screaming, throwing.
You could feel only lonely,
Just with Anger growing.

Growing out of control.
It rages in your mind.
Anger, dark as the shadows of night,
Your emotions, it will find.

Talk about that Anger.
Don't scream, punch or kick.
You simply need to let it all out,
Or as a bomb, it will tick.

Tick, tock, tick.
Boiling away inside.
Ready to explode at any time,
Anger doesn't hide.

The bottle's nearly full.
Full of swirling rage.
Any time now, it will explode,
Affecting people of any age.

Anger affects children.
It affects adults too.
Swirling and swirling, forever,
Just because it grew and grew.

Photo Credit: Stephen Poff via Compfight cc

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3 CommentsPost a comment



Commented 30 months ago - 21st November 2013 - 12:26pm

This is an AWESOME poem! How long did it take you to write THAT!?

Judith Shakespeare

Commented 30 months ago - 21st November 2013 - 14:28pm

I like how controlled your sentences are and the way you've personified anger. Sounds like it was written to express!



Commented 30 months ago - 23rd November 2013 - 18:08pm


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