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Poem: Tennis Match

Posted by bookathon1 from Cardiff - Published on 16/12/2013 at 12:13
0 comments » - Tagged as Creative Writing, Sport & Leisure

  • Tennis Balls

You try to get ready,
But the nerves get to you,
Of what its going to be like,
When everyone is watching you.

You're on your way,
Thinking you're not ready,
But the key thing is,
Just take it steady.

You step onto court,
You get the applause,
But it always seems like the other player gets more applause,
Its the nerves of course!

You get your racket out,
And you start warming up,
Trying to talk yourself through,
I'd better shut up.

You come to the net,
To do the nerve-racking coin toss,
And I always get that competitive feeling,
That on this court I am the boss.

The opponent gets to serve,
Is he going to put out to the side?,
Well I don't know,
But I'll have my pride.

You win the first game,
Then set and match,
This audience is great,
A right lovely batch!

Be inspired,
Be intrigued,
After all in the future when you might win like him,
You could be in the lead.

But remember its the taking part that really does count.

Info Â» Things To Do Â» Outdoor Sports Â» Tennis

Articles Â» Categories Â» Creative Writing

Photo Credit: rustman via Compfight cc

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