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Poem: Speech, Speech!

Posted by psychoblob from Cardiff - Published on 15/11/2013 at 10:49
3 comments » - Tagged as Creative Writing, People

  • Speech

I have just written a speech,
To try to be Year 7 Head Girl,
I have no idea if its okay,
Most probably a fail.

I'll have to read it out on Monday,
To a hall of children my age.
I'm sort of looking forward to it,
But I will have to be pretty bold.

To the distress of my Mum,
I have been writing all night,
She has listened fifty times,
In the end she screamed: "LIZ, IT'S ALRIGHT!"

I hope I do okay,
And the audience aren't mean.
Because if they tease, fidget, moan,
I'll probably turn green!

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Photo Credit: B Tal via Compfight cc

3 CommentsPost a comment



Commented 30 months ago - 15th November 2013 - 17:02pm

Good luck!! Great poem! (That's something my mum would say too) :') x



Commented 30 months ago - 20th November 2013 - 10:29am

well done,i went for it to but unfortunatly neather of us got it



Commented 30 months ago - 28th November 2013 - 12:28pm

I voted for you for head girl :-)

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