Poem: January Snow
Falling upon cold cobblestone,
And onto hills of green,
Rooftop tiles become powdered,
Of whitest colour snow is seen.
Dusting cheeks of youth,
Frosting masses of curls,
Snuggling the car windscreens,
Entertaining boys and girls.
Leaping over white drifts,
Of delicate, though powerful snow,
Watching snowflakes slowly drift,
Creating a peaceful, creamy glow.
Endless mornings of waking up,
And ripping the curtains aside,
To see if the heavens have blessed us,
With a crystal white countryside.
Sitting in front of a flickering fire,
Warming cheeks and hands,
The red glow filling faces of glee,
Dreaming of cold, snow-filled lands.
The joy of hearing that wondrous crunch,
When you walk over ice and snow,
The "youngsters" skating over iced-over puddles,
With their closest friends in tow.
The suddenly enjoyable challenge,
Of trying to walk to school,
The white clouds begin to cry,
Melting snow, raindrops creating pools.
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Related Article: Poem: Snow, A Magic Substance
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