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Poem: I Am Free To Be Me

Posted by psychoblob from Cardiff - Published on 13/12/2013 at 10:43
0 comments » - Tagged as Creative Writing, People

  • Love Reading

I am free to be myself,
Others want to fit in.
I don't care if I'm unpopular-
I'm a bit weird, but that's me.

I walk around with my head in a book,
Or a pencil stuck in my hand,
Draw whatever's in my mind,
I think it's rather grand.

I am happy the way I think and act,
I am happy about myself,
I like me just the way that I am -
Why change for anyone else?

I like what I like, wear what I wear,
Say what I say and do what I do.
I read what I read, sing what I sing,
I am me through and through.

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Photo Credit: Carlos Porto via Compfight cc

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