My Brother In Hospital
On Saturday 27th October 2013, my brother, who is very close to me got assaulted outside a nightclub in town. He suffered severe head injuries.
He got admitted to hospital as soon as he could, half conscious and being sick. So when I came down stairs on the Sunday morning, everything was normal. Until I got into the living room. My sister was there, dressed and watching the television, now this wasn't normal. I would usually come down, and I would be the only one there.
My sister usually stays in bed until late. So I asked why are you up this early? She said that she had just come back from her friend's house and said that my brother had an accident in town last night and that he was in hospital. All of these images came rushing through my head of him just being beaten up. What the circumstances were, I don't know.
He was in Intensive Care for about a week where the nurses had the hard job of stabilising him and lowering his brain pressure. When that was sorted and when he was ready he move to High Dependency Ward for two days. He was talking much more and being more himself. Then when he was ready, he moved to the Neurological Ward. That is where he is now. I have just heard that he has had a good night, so I really do hope it remains that way.
Watch out for my next article on his progress in hospital.
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November 2013's Sprout Editorial Group Meeting
Photo Credit: half alive - soo zzzz via Compfight cc
5 Comments – Post a comment
Sam Sprout (Editor)
Commented 30 months ago - 14th November 2013 - 10:22am
I hope your brother gets well soon.
Commented 30 months ago - 14th November 2013 - 11:12am
What a shame... Tell your brother to get well soon from me! I am in your school!
Commented 30 months ago - 14th November 2013 - 16:21pm
Aw x Tell him to get well soon!
Commented 30 months ago - 15th November 2013 - 09:28am
Aww, I wish your brother, you and your family well.
Weeping Tudor
Commented 30 months ago - 18th November 2013 - 16:57pm
So sorry to hear this. Hope he gets better real soon.