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Magic Tricks

Posted by HRHurley from Cardiff - Published on 05/12/2013 at 11:30
3 comments » - Tagged as People

  • Magic

Before 2012, I loved watching TV shows with magic tricks on them, and had always wanted magic tricks if my own. Then, in 2012, I got a magic set for Christmas. I was amazed.

I got two decks of cards, one of which all apparently turned into nine of heart! Then the another, which made the watchers think that the cards all went blank. Now, I thought that was seriously cool, but then I got one full set of magic tricks and a bag of which apparently, made things vanish!

For the rest of the school year, all of our break and lunch breaks, were spent doing magic tricks. I performed magic tricks to other students, and even teachers. I loved my magic tricks, and pretty much everyone who saw them seemed to love them, too.

Does anyone else love magic?

Would love to hear your comments.


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Photo Credit: JoshWellington via Compfightcc

Home Â» Articles Â» Magic Reveals Itself

3 CommentsPost a comment



Commented 29 months ago - 7th December 2013 - 19:02pm

Cool! My cousin is really in to magic so he would really like this. Good article all in all!
Thats taught me something!
I am in your school!



Commented 29 months ago - 9th December 2013 - 14:17pm

I know you are, Bookathon...



Commented 29 months ago - 14th December 2013 - 19:13pm

OOOOO! Keep your air on!

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