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It Only Takes One

Posted by archifCLICarchive from National - Published on 15/06/2011 at 13:00
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  • One Punch
  • 2

Yn Gymraeg

For some in 2010 the night started out like any other. Then someone said something they shouldn't have. Someone looked at someone funny. Someone over reacted. Some people were looking for any excuse for a fight. For others, they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Hundreds ended up in hospital, many were arrested.

Some people had broken noses, others jaws, others ended up in intensive care.

Some people's faces were left disfigured, some people's skulls shattered when their heads hit the pavement. 

Many now have criminal convictions that will change their lives forever.

Not really the night you had in mind?  It only takes one.

Meditations On Violence

It Only Takes One: 5pm - 9pm

It Only Takes One: 9pm - 1am

It Only Takes One: 1am - 5am

Links for information and advice on how to avoid becoming a victim of such criminal activity...

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