It Gets Better
First off, I just want to say sorry for the really bad spelling and grammar in this. I decided to make that video at four in the morning.
The video is basically about my struggle to come to terms with my Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Aspergers and the abuse I got growing up with it. I'd really love it if you could all watch, rate or comment on this video. Any feedback is great. :) If you have any of the conditions I do, I'm always here to talk or just rant at if you need to.
The music I used is Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance. I don't own this song. All rights go to MCR and the record labels.
Enjoy the video and please remember, it does get better! I promise.
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20 Comments – Post a comment
Commented 54 months ago - 7th December 2011 - 09:58am
What a brilliant article and video, an inspiration to others! You should be proud of all you have achieved and I wish you all the best in achieving your goals!
eddie secretary
Commented 54 months ago - 7th December 2011 - 10:25am
i must say that a Huge Well Done is deserved for this, the music you havee chosen is very good, it offsets the writing very well, and personally i find no fault in your spelling of grammer, and yes, become a writer young one, there isnt enough young writers out there, we need more, more of young people with the drive and passion to write,
all i can ask now is are you following the Felicity Fox, series that i have been writing
finally, its an amazing article and i hope that you follow your dream and become an awesomely awesome writer, i have faith in you,
Vincent Xavier (Eddie_Secretary)
National Editor
Commented 54 months ago - 7th December 2011 - 10:49am
Outstanding article. This is also now on the national CLIC site for young people all over Wales to see.
The best part about this is your dream of being a writer is taking effect: you are writing, therefore you are a writer. A Wales-wide published one at that. Please keep them coming!
eddie secretary
Commented 54 months ago - 7th December 2011 - 11:02am
well said ryan
National Editor
Commented 54 months ago - 7th December 2011 - 11:09am
Cheers eddie - you are on your way to a novella with the Felicity Fox series!
eddie secretary
Commented 54 months ago - 7th December 2011 - 12:05pm
Awwww thanx Ryan, i will be writing more in the series soon, what im thinking of doing is once i have about 8 or 10 short stories, ill write connecting sections to connect them to produce a novel lol
Commented 54 months ago - 7th December 2011 - 12:28pm
Wow. I love this video. It's completely true. It does get better. And whoever puts people down for things like this are totally wrong. They just don't understand. Good luck for your GCSE's next year! I'm sitting mine this year- it's scary to think that it wasn't that long ago that I was in year 7. Are you sitting any early ones this year? x
Commented 54 months ago - 7th December 2011 - 13:19pm
Wow I love this article and video. I myself have had similar problems but related to my hearing. I am hard of hearing and all my life people put me down and told me that I can't do this, I can't do that and that I will never achieve what I want. However I did not give up and went after my goals. Since all of this I have proved these people wrong and I have completed a Police Cadet course, joined Young Flintshire and CLIC, as well as graduating in University. This video just shows that people can achieve what they want to achieve and even though there may be some form of disability it does not stop people achieving what they want.
Commented 54 months ago - 7th December 2011 - 17:44pm
You go girl! It can't be easy but well done for getting through it. Dont ever let people get you down you are amazing and make sure anything you write you post on here, can't wait to read your stuff xx
Commented 54 months ago - 7th December 2011 - 18:32pm
WOO ASPIE CREW! My my, CLIC is full of Asperger's at the moment.
This really spoke to me, because when I was in year ten I hadn't even been diagnosed yet, and I know how difficult it is to get on with everything when you've got people putting you down. But hey! I'm on track to go to Medical School, become a doctor and help people with problems like these every day. Bullies DO need to be educated and see proof that we aren't any weaker than anyone else - in a lot of aspects, we're much stronger.
This video is amazing, can we get it relaunched on the site again near World Autism Awareness Day, which will be in April at some point?
Commented 54 months ago - 7th December 2011 - 23:33pm
Awh, thank you everyone for your kind words of support :) Sure, you can relaunch this in April, I just want to make sure no one has to ever go through what I had to and make sure everyone with these conditions know that, they're not alone and there are people who are ALWAYS here to help :)
I think I'm doing a few science module and maths at the end of this year. I'm terrified to be honest! I'm no where near ready but I guess all I can do is try the best I can!
I had hearing problems in my right ear when I was very young and I found it very hard to learn phonics and I was made to feel stupid because of it. They were all wrong. There's nothing wrong with us, we're just as good as any of them! It's just people seem to forget that.
Commented 54 months ago - 8th December 2011 - 16:17pm
Inspiring. Much love, respect and compassion for a loving, respectful and compassionate young woman.
Sprout Editor
Commented 54 months ago - 8th December 2011 - 21:09pm
Amazing and inspiring. Please feel free to come along to January's Sprout Editorial Group meeting. E-mail for more info.
Commented 54 months ago - 9th December 2011 - 00:36am
Once again, thank you! I'll talk to Dan about SEG meetings :)
Commented 54 months ago - 9th December 2011 - 03:09am
I absolutely love this, i myself have dyslexia and discalculus. . .as you can tell my spelling is terrible, plus i cannot pronouce words properly, im glad to see you have got confidence and i personally have never let it stop me but i guess thats just my attitude :) Great story and good for you !
eddie secretary
Commented 54 months ago - 9th December 2011 - 10:50am
Yes it is an amazing article, as it happens Torfaen will be getting a CLIC Site within the new year, and articles like this would be very inspirational for the young people within torfaen, and i was wondering if i could interview #AddictedToDrPepper1 about your experiences and how you have overcome them yourself, for our website when it goes live, as i believe that this would be a very awesome and inspiration to all young people who have Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Discalculus - Let me know if your interested, drop me an email on
Dan (Sub-Editor)
Commented 54 months ago - 9th December 2011 - 15:20pm
This video is SO inspiring. It is absolutely brilliant.
The contributions from AddictedToDrPepper1, BethanTheBarmy and BigShadowBear lately have also completely changed my outlook and understanding of Aspergers. The only thing I knew about it was from reading 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time' by Mark Haddon, and I assumed everyone with Aspergers behaved like the boy in that book. You've shown me that view was wrong, and that it's actually a condition I still have so much more to learn about before I could even begin to understand it properly.
Thank you all for your submissions to CLIC. They've been really eye-opening.
Commented 54 months ago - 9th December 2011 - 19:51pm
Discalculus is to do with numbers right?
@eddie secretary - I'd love to do an interview. Because I'm really lazy i never use my hotmail, so add me on facebook. {Note from DanCLIC: I've taken out AddictedToDrPepper1's full name from this comment, but eddie if you drop me an email or Facebook message I can put you in touch with her for an interview}
and once again, thank you everyone for your comments :)
Commented 53 months ago - 10th December 2011 - 23:38pm
This video has really got me thinking. Considering the amount of people posting about their personal issues recently, maybe it would be a good idea for us to make a longer video in this style, with people doing their own stories? We could interlink them and make it so that they have a similar rhythm to them, if that makes sense.
Dan (Sub-Editor)
Commented 53 months ago - 11th December 2011 - 15:45pm
I think that's a brilliant idea, and could fit in really well with CLICplay. (CLICplay is our new project for people who want to make movies instead of write articles. Like YouTube, only not blocked in schools. Woot!)
What I love about this video above everything else is that it feels like a giant middle finger raised to a world that's told you you're not good enough. It is genuinely inspiring, and I would love to see more brilliant testimonies like this one.