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Information Right Now Event

Posted by lolaCLIC from Wrexham - Published on 13/04/2012 at 11:19
2 comments » - Tagged as Art, Culture, Dance, Food & Drink, People, Topical

Yn Gymraeg

Information Right Now

What exactly is the 'Information Right Now' event?

CLIC is coordinating Wales' part in celebrating European Information Day and you are invited to the party! CLIC will be signing the European Youth Information Charter on behalf of the Welsh Government, relaunching the Info Section, and introducing some new stuff on this special occasion. Click here to download the programme.

When and where is this wonderous event?

Join us on Tuesday the 17th April 2012 in the Awen Foyer, Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay. (In case anyone needs it for satnav, here's the postcode - CF10 5AL) The celebrations start at 10am and continue until 2pm, just in time to enjoy the best of the lovely weather we've been having.

What will there be?

There will be lots of entertainment for you including, circus acts, breakdancers, a rock band, emcees and singers. We've got a tonne of awesome creative workshops planned throughout the day which you can join in on plus some informative workshops.

The informative workshops are are on at 11:00am and repeated again at 11:40am

They are:
- The Ispect scheme (for young people & professionals)
- How to Use CLIConline (for young people & professionals)
- National Information & Quality Standards (for professionals)

Oh, and let's not forget, free food and refreshments.

Please let us know if you would like to attend these and which slot you would prefer.

The creative workshops will be on throughout the day on a drop-in basis.

How much do I have to pay for all this?

Not a thing, nothing at all, nada... it's totally free. Free goody bags, free food and refreshments, free workshops and free entertainment!

Who can come?

The event is open to all. Young people and professionals are equally welcome, just make sure you RSVP so we can reserve your place and your goody bag!

Let us know you are coming

Think this could be your kind of event? Let us know you are coming along (and reserve yourself a goody bag). Just drop an email to cindy@cliconline.co.uk or give her a call on 02920 46 2222.

Hopefully see you there!

Click here to download the programme.

2 CommentsPost a comment

eddie secretary

eddie secretary

Commented 50 months ago - 29th March 2012 - 12:58pm

ok, well i was intending to come along to this one but im gonna be in derby, however, i would love a goodie bag if someone can save me one hehe ;-]

Hope you all enjoy the day



Commented 50 months ago - 29th March 2012 - 15:52pm

I am so there! x

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