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Ignite The Flame Creative Writing Competition

Posted by National Editor from National - Published on 06/01/2010 at 10:09
0 comments » - Tagged as Art, Creative Writing, People, Sport & Leisure

Yn Gymraeg

Are you a young disabled person living in Wales who has a way with words? 

Enter one poem or one short story of up to 500 words using “what ignites the flame for you?” as your inspiration. 

Think about excellence, friendship, respect, determination, inspiration, equality.

Entries will be accepted from two age groups:  13-16 years old and 17-25 years old.

We will work with the winners from each category to develop their writing skills. The winners’ work will be included in an anthology in 2012 .     

To enter:
Send your poem or short story to:

Ignite the Flame competition
Disability Arts Cymru
Tel: 02920 551 040
Fax: 02920 551 036

Or email entries to post@dacymru.com.

You can also enter by audio or CD-rom or any other format preferred.

Closing date: 29th January 2010

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