How To Keep Chickens
There are four different types of housing for chickens, including a new type which is called the eglu.
Chickens need a run on their house to promote exercise so eglus’ have a clip-on run.
Each chickens’ house should have a nesting box, one nesting box per three chickens. Four chickens will keep a family in eggs for one year. Chickens do not like getting wet therefore an enclosed run would be useful.
Chickens need a dust bath in their run to help with preening and keeping clean. Their diet is varied and they eat bugs, worms, snails, grass, lettuce, cabbage and flowers. Chickens do need to have a balanced diet as well as plenty of fresh water. Chickens have no teeth so they eat grit that goes into the gizzard and acts as their teeth and digestive method.
There are two types of chickens pure breads or collectors birds, and hybrid birds which are used to produce eggs for large stores like Tesco and ASDA.
Like Chickens? You might be interested in RSPB Phoenix, the youth section of the RSPB.
IMAGE: Thomas Hawk
1 Comment – Post a comment
Commented 19 months ago - 10th October 2014 - 09:16am
thanks for the help