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His Last Breath...

Posted by archifCLICarchive from National - Published on 20/09/2009 at 00:00

By Samantha Wainwright (Interpretation of sequel to Final Moments... by cardiffgirl)
"Don’t hurt me!" Shrieked the boy covering his face with his dirty hands, I looked at him, head cocked to the side, confused. 
"I-I-I’ll fight you!" He continued now raising his fists out in front of him but still with his eyes tightly clenched together.
I wasn't with my clan any more, I was out hunting on my own. I smelled the air around him, still curious. He opened his eyes slowly taking caution with every move he made "I know what you are..." he said shakily, lowering his hands "You’re a vampire! I've read all kinds of books about you!" he hissed under his breath. I said nothing, instead I kept watching him, registering his every move "I came down here 'cause the old bill are looking for me, I ran away!”.
He took a step closer and I flinched making him jerk backwards in surprise “We can be friends.” He whispered raising his hand to shake mine. My natural instinct was taking over and any humanity I can remember having was slowly fading away. I pulled his hand so his body was directly in front of me. He was breathing hard and was so obviously petrified of me “No” I whispered between clenched teeth so fast he might not have caught it. I had raised him above me with one hand, it was fairly easy to pick him up, he was scrawny and small and my strength was greater than any human.
I put him on the ground but he was too scared to move, I looked around the dark alley, it was pitch black apart from the dim orange glow from the street light and police sirens. I cocked to my head to one side again and pushed the boy to the side of the alley baring my teeth and hissing. “Please! Please don’t kill me!” he begged, now crying. I ignored his pleas and sunk my teeth into him enjoying the refreshing and delicious taste of his blood; it powered me on as I continued to feed when I was cut off by a flashlight.
“Hello? Is anyone there? I heard screaming!” shouted a police officer. 
The light burned my skin and I felt myself getting weaker. I sprinted in the away from the source, but I soon realized what the officer would find... I ran back and captured the officer. I carried him back to my clan between his muffled screams.
The boy awoke; he thought he was dead, considering the unbearable pain he suffered that night and the bright light that was pounding him. He felt weak and venerable but knew he had to find cover from the light. He crawled under a large dustbin and collapsed in exhaustion. He rubbed his sore neck and felt two little pricks which were stinging incredibly. Memories resurfaced of the horrible night and instantly he remembered his encounter with the vampire, did she bite him? Did she just forget about him? Did she just leave him for dead? 
Yes, Yes and... No.
She didn’t leave him for dead did she? She let the venom seep into him and now he was a vampire too. Another monster had been born as the boy had taken his last breath as a human.
If you heart vampires or hate them, theSprout has many delights...  Jaz ParksWhat Was I Becoming?MarkedVampires & TeenagersBitten By Vampires?Not So Smitten...Vampires Or Aliens?.

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