Happy New Year?
For me, 2014 came in like a punch to the stomach.
I was told that I am moving house.
And not just to the other side of Thornhill - away to West Wales. This will be the fourth time that I'll be ripped away from my school, social life and area, and my thirteenth house itself.
I will have to give up my two beautiful dogs, and all of my precious friendships.
By February 8th I'll be sat in a house I don't even like in Haverfordwest.
I will be so sorry to leave Cardiff - it has been the best place I have moved to in a long time.
Other places I've lived in are Glasgow, Buckinghamshire and Pembrokeshire. In each one of these places I thought I would never have to leave. As soon as I was told, I cried. I knew that moving away was in the air, but I didn't think it would actually happen.
But one of the worst parts is moving away from my Dad. Him and my mum split up in August, but we still see him all the time. In fact, I am sitting with my laptop in his house as I write this. But, moving away means that my sister and I will see less of him.
"Happy" New Year is a bit of an overstatement in my case.
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Photo Credit: Nathan O'Nions via Compfight cc
2 Comments – Post a comment
Sam Sprout (Editor)
Commented 28 months ago - 2nd January 2014 - 13:13pm
I'm sorry to hear that you're having a rough start to the year and that you'll be moving away. If you want to chat about it with someone, I can recommend Meic (the link is above) the free helpline for young people in Wales.
Also I'd thought I'd let you know that Pembrokeshire will be launching it's own CLIConline site soon called My Cove, but in the meantime there's Pembrokeshire Youth Zone (http://www.pembrokeshireyouthzone.co.uk/content.asp) and you can of course continue to use theSprout!
Best of luck and I hope things improve soon.
Commented 28 months ago - 2nd January 2014 - 15:22pm
Oh my gosh. I am in your school in year 7 and it will be very sad to not see you there. You were one of my best friends in high school. I am sorry to hear that you have not had a good start to the year, but you will make new friends and live a new life, with new discoveries and new people. And your'e leaving just before my birthday!
I wish you flying colours for your move. Who knows may be we will bump in to each other one day!
Good Luck.