Grassroots Cardiff
Grassroots is a youth centre for 16-25-year-olds. At Grassroots we endeavour to install optimism and promote self-awareness and self-worth in young people who often see themselves in a negative light. Training and experience in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere is available in the areas of music, video, computer / graphics and various other events and activities. These can lead to qualifications or a progression onto other more advanced facilities.
There is a low-cost coffee bar where young people are welcome to drop in or socialise, or find out more about current events or workshops.
Grassroots Advice Service provides a free drop-in service, where youth-specific advice is available. The project aims to listen to young people's problems and help solve them together in a confidential environment. If you think we can help or support you call in and take a look around.
Grassroots ::?58 Charles Street, Cardiff ::?029 2023 1700?:: Open Monday-Friday 10am-5:30pm ::
Grassroots' July newsletter is HERE