Giant Beast Sighted In The Hayes!
Residents of The Hayes an artistic hub built in the late 18th Century to separate Chippy Lane from Cardiff's shopping district were awoken last night by a flurry of unusual and frightening noises. Originally assumed to be a harmless Ninjah, as the noises continued residents grew increasingly suspect.
"This wasn't your usual man-drumming-on-bins noise," explained Colin Books, a local resident. "It didn't even sound like the loud, drunken idiots you get stumbling past around 3am. No, this noise was different. Almost... supernatural."
TheSprout received mixed reports from those brave enough to venture outside and investigate. Many claimed to have seen a hairy man 'with enormous ears' carrying spherical objects to an unknown location, while the more extravagant reports suggest this was some oversized animal, possibly even dressed as a human.
"I was watching TV when I heard a deafening crashing sound coming from the street outside," recalled Tony, a chip distribution specialist. "It's difficult to describe, but was almost as if a huge sack full of eggs or something was repeatedly being picked up and thrown down Caroline Street. I figured it was some kids messing around so leant out the window to yell at them. But what I saw blew my mind.
"It was dark, so I could have been mistaken, but I swear I saw a giant bunny rabbit wearing a denim jacket and Converse. He was hurtling through the air with enormous speed: in one jump he hopped from the middle of Chippy Lane to the roof of Spillers. I'd never seen anything like it in my life!"
South Wales Police declined to comment on the matter.
We sent a Sprout reporter to chase up this story, but they have failed to return. The last message we received before they disappeared was: "I think there's some hidden chocolate eggs down here. I'm going to investigate..."
If anyone in Cardiff has any information on the whereabouts of our missing reporter, or finds evidence of this alleged egg-wielding creature, please contact us immediately.
(If anyone fancies going on a hunt for our missing Sprouter, you may want to start by looking here)
Photographs taken by Urban75. Check out the full gallery.