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Free To Be Me: I'd Rather Be Me

Posted by RoLouG from Cardiff - Published on 28/09/2010 at 09:39
0 comments » - Tagged as Creative Writing

  • rolling

This has been entered into the Free To Be Me competition.

I walk down the high street
Look in the shops
I see the latest fashions
Over and over and over
Really, deep down
I'd rather be me.

I listen to the radio
Browse through CDs
I hear the latest music
Over and over and over
Really, deep down
I'd rather be me.

I look at magazines
Scanning the pages
I see the same faces
Over and over and over
Really, deep down
I'd rather be me.

I'd rather be me
Not the public life of a star
Repeating the same paths
Over and over and over
Really, deep down
I'd rather be me.

Wear what I want
Without cameras snapping
My every outfit
Over and over and over
Really, deep down
I'd rather be me.

Be free to be me
To act like a freak
Just because I want to
Over and over and over
So that really, deep down
I know that I'm me.

IMAGE: rolling down a hill by woodleywonderworks

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