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Free To Be Me: I'm Free

Posted by archifCLICarchive from National - Published on 05/10/2010 at 12:30
1 comments » - Tagged as Creative Writing, Music

  • Freedom

This has been entered into the Free To Be Me competition.

I'm not a soldier in an enemy field.
I'm just a girl who deserves to be able to be who I want, what I feel and do what I want to.
Say what I wanna say, play how I wanna play.
It's my choice how I live my life... lives her life... oooh

I'm free to be me...
Free to be me...
No one else I wanna be.
Apart from me.
This is how I'm gonna be.
No one can change me now...

No one wants to live in negativity...
Everyone wants some positivity...
Don't wanna live in fear.
We got enough day to day distractions.
Like who I'm gonna be...
who I'm gonna meet today.


No one can say how I'm gonna feel when I walk past you...
I don't want to live in fear.
It's no good for me...
I lost all my con.fid.ence thanks to you.


But I'm getting it back no one can stop me now.
It's mine...
you steal my money but you can't steal my soul.
That's mine to stay.
Ooh it's gonna stay.
I'm getting it back.
Step by step.
Day after day.
I'm free.

I'm free, 
To be me,
I'm free,
To be me.

I'm free to live my life properly.
Free to live as I please.
I got my friends and they're there for me.
I won't lose them again.


Swings at the park
Walks down the lane
Scary stories in the dark
No more feeling pain.

I'm free to be me.
You're free to be you. They're free to be them.
We're free to be free.

IMAGE: zero gravity by [auro]

1 CommentPost a comment



Commented 68 months ago - 5th October 2010 - 16:07pm

good stuff, would love to hear it sung!

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