Featured Photographer: Peter Elliot
In this regular series, we celebrate the talents of young CLICers behind the camera.
You may be aware of the CLICgallery tab at the top of this page - but did you know you could submit your photos, artwork and designs to it by emailing gallery@cliconline.co.uk? The gallery is also open to artwork such as cartoons, paintings, Photoshop creations and drawings.
Our second featured photographer is Peter Elliot from WICID in Rhondda Cynon Taff, who explains some of his inspirations and advice for others.
"The thing I enjoy most is taking photos and making people laugh. I also like the feeling inside you get when you capture a good image. The first ever time I took a photo (that I can remember) was when I was about six, of my mother and father on our hotel balcony in Ibiza, but it turned out that I had only taken a photo of their feet, and not their faces.
"I plan to do photography as a profession. I want to run my own studio in Cardiff somewhere, so in about 15 years' time, come and see me! My favourite thing to take photos of would have to be people and landscapes. But not moody people - they spoil the fun of it.
"My advice to other budding photographers is to keep trying. When you think you have found the perfect shot, or 'money shot' as people like to call it, make sure you take the photo more than once, just in case something happens the first time and you don't realise until later. And, as Mark Twain the writer said, 'You can't depend on your eyes if your imagination is out of focus.' Make sure you use your imagination while taking photos, and just have fun.
"I don't have a favourite photo I've taken. With every photo I take, I look at the positives and negatives and then try to improve next time I'm out. So asking me my favourite is like asking how long a piece of string is. My favourite photographer would be Mary McCartney, and I just love her photo of her father (Paul McCartney from The Beatles) with his guitar, I think it's brilliant.
"My inspiration came from my photography tutor, Peter Williams. Not only is he the owner of his own studio in Cardiff (just like I want to be), but he's really friendly and everybody knows him around and goes to him for their photos. I've met Cardiff City's photographer through him, met George Michael through him, and been on the Cardiff City FC pitch! He's really easygoing and I wouldn't be into photography if it wasn't for him.
"I feel really privileged and surprised to be featured photographer, because there are some fantastic photographers involved with CLIConline. But I would like to thank all the CLIConline and WICID staff, alongside my photography tutor, Peter Williams, for helping me through my photography and helping me improve my skills and confidence. I really appreciate it."
Check out some of Peter Elliot's work above. Your work could feature here soon. Submit your stuff to gallery@cliconline.co.uk.
Sport & Leisure >> Interests >> Digital Arts >> Photography & Digital Imagery
4 Comments – Post a comment
Hope Love Live
Commented 41 months ago - 7th December 2012 - 16:22pm
Great work, Peter!
Peter Elliott
Commented 41 months ago - 9th December 2012 - 13:46pm
Thanks @Hope Love Live!
FOR MORE PHOTOS, PLEASE VISIT www.facebook.com/LiamRichardsPhotography
Twitter - @L_RichardsPhoto
Commented 41 months ago - 19th December 2012 - 12:48pm
Hi Peter, I also got into photography with Peter lol, I spent 2 weeks on work experience and still do a lot of work with him down his studio.
Peter Elliott
Commented 41 months ago - 20th December 2012 - 19:31pm
Hello!:) Really?! I go down in the holidays!! Maybe we'll meet sometime!