Fave Halloween Film?
It's been way too long since we had a good all-Wales CLIC article with comments thread, so what better way to do it than ask this question:
What is your favourite Halloween film, and why?
You can only choose one, and we'll do our best to include trailers and clips as long as they aren't too gruesome for our younger users, or contain swearsies etc.
I'll kick us off, and tomorrow in our house we'll be watching El Orfanato (The Orphanage) (15, 105mins), the 2007 debut movie from JA Bayona. It's an eerie, atmospheric Spanish movie about a troubled little boy who goes missing from his new home; a former orphanage now haunted by the children who once lived there.
There is no gore (well, a little bit) or cheap scares. Instead it is a traditional chiller that keeps you wondering what has happened to the boy. The ending had me in tears which is also unusual for a horror.
Okay, comment below and let's have your Halloween film suggestions please!
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12 Comments – Post a comment
Commented 18 months ago - 30th October 2014 - 14:31pm
The Others - old-school Nicole Kidman, classic thriller, not terrifying but still funny to watch other people freak out when it gets really eerie :')
Commented 18 months ago - 31st October 2014 - 10:33am
BeetleJuice, BeetleJuice, BeetleJuice!
Commented 18 months ago - 31st October 2014 - 11:50am
I saw this a lot of years ago and I'm still afraid of any clown! >_<
Sam Sprout (Editor)
Commented 18 months ago - 31st October 2014 - 12:49pm
Evil Dead 2: I prefer comedy to horror and this super gory 80s splatterfest is slapstick of the highest order.
David Lloyd-Williams
Commented 18 months ago - 31st October 2014 - 14:15pm
Curse of the Were-rabbit doesn't count, does it?
National Editor
Commented 18 months ago - 31st October 2014 - 14:26pm
It sure does Surge! I watched it only last night with my 5-year-old lad who was watching it for the first time. The bit when Gromit opens the fridge door and all the rabbits are tucked together in the door shelves had us in stitches!
Commented 18 months ago - 2nd November 2014 - 18:21pm
I have to say, Hocus Pocus is probably my favourite Hallowe'en film. Watching it just takes me immediately back to my turnip carving childhood when a black bin liner was a totally legitimate witches' cape.
Commented 18 months ago - 2nd November 2014 - 18:26pm
And Cisca- I have a genuine case of coulrophobia (fear of clowns) caused by IT. I saw it as a toddler (!!) and had proper breakdowns when I was put anywhere near a clown. It was so bad that my sister *still* hasn't forgiven me for making her miss the lions at the circus when I was like 4. (I had a meltdown and was brought home).
Although, I've now forced myself to both read the book and watch the film, and sadly, the film is just a bit rubbish. Doesn't stop the fear of Tim Curry though!
Commented 18 months ago - 3rd November 2014 - 17:56pm
Three instantly come to mind, and trying to pick one is killing me!
I'm going to go with Rocky Horror Picture Show, as my other two favourites were definitely better as books than they were films.
And you haven't lived until you've seen me dressed as Riff-Raff, doing the Time Warp again.
Commented 18 months ago - 5th November 2014 - 12:37pm
Tim Curry strikes again! It's the eyes!
I'll never forget being taught the Time Warp as a child at a family wedding. I never want to see my aunts and uncles do that much moving of their pelvises again!
(P.S. I'm trying so very hard to be the twentieth comment...)
Dan (Sub-Editor)
Commented 18 months ago - 5th November 2014 - 14:54pm
Probably my favourite horror film is [REC]. There's something about Spanish horror that I absolutely love. You will never be able to look at attic doors the same way again.
It was later remade into an English-language film called Quarantine, but I think [REC] is vastly superior.
Dan (Sub-Editor)
Commented 18 months ago - 5th November 2014 - 15:06pm
This film's also pretty good: