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Fancy Freelancing In Croatia?

Posted by National Editor from National - Published on 21/05/2010 at 15:11
0 comments » - Tagged as Travel, Work & Training

Yn Gymraeg

Are you a freelance photographer or journalist?

Fancy putting your talents forward and being funded to see a bit of the world while you're at it?

The fourth meeting of the Assembly Of European Regions (AER) Youth Regional Network is taking place from Monday 7-Wednesday 9 June 2010 in the picturesque town of Donja Stubica in Croatia, and they are looking for two text journalists and one photographer to cover the event.

Reporting for Orangelog, the European Youth Press Event magazine, you will cover the meeting as those in attendance focus on the role of regional youth participatory structures in the European regions and discuss how to strengthen the structure of the network.

That's the formal stuff, now to let you know that accommodation and board is covered for the duration of the event, and travel costs are reimbursed up to an amount of 250 euros, which should cover a return flight (provided Icelandic ash clouds remain at bay).

Send your motivated emails and a CV to: y.brusselmans@youthpress.org, and please mention if you are applying as a text journalist or photographer. Experience and your own DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera are essential.

You'll need to look lively, as deadline for applications is this coming Monday 24 May, and the event itself is in just over two weeks. Good luck!

Read the job advert.

IMAGE: kelvin255

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