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Posted by archifCLICarchive from National - Published on 04/03/2011 at 13:42
1 comments » - Tagged as Creative Writing

  • Confinement

It’s like being a prisoner in your own home,
Not knowing the rules have changed,
Knowing your safe haven has been taken over,
You want things to go back to normal,
Just before you woke up,
To the endless nothing,
So noisy and so alone,
You wonder why they can’t leave you in peace.

Why can’t you at least be warned?
They are my family, 
But I feel like they are my enemies,
My aunty has visited but she’s always nice to me,
Her daughter, my cousin who was a sister to me,
Now hates me from the inside out,
When I walk into the room everything goes quiet,
I can’t handle the silence,
I wish everything could just go back.

I know I should focus on the future,
But when your own family hate you, what do you have?
I can’t help the tears,
Can’t help but let the pain flow,
The depression hits me again to the floor,
And once again I feel the isolation consume me,
I can’t turn back,
I can’t move forward,
I’m stuck in this bleak abyss you call life.

I know I still have loved ones,
I know people still care,
But still without my family what is really out there?

News  Categories  Creative Writing

Info  Family & Relationships  What to do if something goes wrong

IMAGE: 021808 by B_Zedan

1 CommentPost a comment



Commented 63 months ago - 11th March 2011 - 20:10pm

Verry nice work, i know what it's like

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