Competition: What's Your Zombie Survival Plan?
“In the early days, just after the disaster had happened, and before he understood the dangers, Deke had wandered the streets in delight — breaking, burning, smashing — hardly able to believe that there was nobody around to stop him and that he could do whatever he wanted.
That crazy, joyous freedom had been cut short when he’d discovered that not all the adults had died. And those who had survived would treat you far worse than any parent, teacher or policeman if they ever caught you. A parent might have grounded you, a teacher might have kept you in after school and the police might have arrested you, but none of them would have tried to eat you, like the grown-ups who wandered the streets these days.”
- The Enemy, Charlie Higson [read the full excerpt]
The Enemy series by Charlie Higson follows the story of a post-apocalyptic London after a virus, which only affects people over 14, has wiped out civilisation and left children and teenagers fending for themselves in a new world where adults have been transformed into mindless, flesh-eating monsters.
If you enjoyed reading Lord of the Flies or are a fan of zombie apocalypse fiction you will love this series. The events in The Fallen happen at the same time as the events in the previous book, The Sacrifice, and just after the end of the first book in the series, The Enemy. The Fallen reveals more clues about the disease which has struck London and introduces a new breed of children who may hold the secret to where the sickness has come from and how it works.
Win a Copy
We've got our hands on five copies and are looking to give them away to deserving young horror fans. Of course, there's no point giving you such an awesome book if we don't think you can handle the subject matter, so we've devised a competition:
In the comments below, tell us your zombie apocalypse survival plan.
It can be as brief or as detailed as you like (although mega bonus points if you develop the idea into an actual article or video).
What would you do if you open your front door tomorrow to find zombies chewing on the postman? Would you be terrified or kind of excited that you won't have to go to school/college/work for the foreseeable future? Would you hijack a schoolbus, duct-tape some pitchforks to it and drive around rescuing all your friends? Would you escape to the countryside, hide in a tent and hope they don't find you? Or would you head into the city — either for supplies or just the sheer excitement?
Leave as many comments as you like and feel free to discuss plans with others; we'll award the top 5 zombie survival experts and teamwork might be a good way to earn some points.
Deadline for entries: Friday 13th September
Related Articles:
Like Zombies? Read The Sacrifice!
March's Reading Power Book Club: The Enemy (from theSprout)
Useful Info:
Photo Credit: Juliana Coutinho via Compfightcc
42 Comments – Post a comment
Commented 32 months ago - 31st August 2013 - 16:10pm
I would take shelter in Costco. They literally have everything you could ever need. Also, they have toilets, a cafe to cook food in and it's massive, so it could hold lots of survivors. They have shelves that go up to just below the ceiling, so if the zombies managed to get past my barricade, me, my family, friends, dog (who I would have all rescued) and any other survivors could just hide on one of the top shelves and throw giant packs of loo roll or kayaks or whatever else Costco have onto the zombies, which would squish them. I think it's a pretty full-proof plan.
Commented 32 months ago - 31st August 2013 - 16:12pm
Also, there's a man at the front who doesn't let you in unless you have a membership card and I doubt the zombies would have remembered their cards if they owned one, sooooo yeh. Haha, joking. But I think Costco is a good idea :)
Commented 32 months ago - 31st August 2013 - 19:42pm
Well, first of all, I would sit down and have a cuppa, nothing makes people feel better than a cuppa. The I would leave my home, avoiding any of the flesh muncher kind (I mean, their slow, it wont be too hard) and get myself a moving truck, from somewhere, and drive to somewhere like Argos or somewhere they sell running machines. I would load as mean I could in to truck (Im a super human, super strength, so its all cool) and drive back to my home. I would then place all the running machines outside my house in an orderly fashion and then plug all them in (Theres no bills coming so it'd be ok) after this I would get back into the truck and drive to morrisons to grab as much food as I can and drive home again and take all the food inside. When the zombies realise Im the last on alive, they'll try to break into my home but be stuc on running machines while I sit inside, eating donuts and laughing at their misfortune :)
Commented 32 months ago - 31st August 2013 - 23:01pm
If I opened the door to see a zombie chewing on my postman. I'd run upstais to my toolbox. There I would get a hammer (owned by my father) and run back down stairs. I would knock the zombie out (and then hit 'em again to make sure) and I would run upstairs to pack a bag of important items. After I've packed I would go to my friends house (sheilded by my hammer) and I would gather a group of close friends.
My friends and I would go around saving as many people as possible. throughout the day my friends (and new comers) will take turns in collecting food and water, looking for people who are alone, building a shelter and guarding the shelter.
A small group of people will also go out and fight some of the zombies.
I would hide in a shop at first until we've collected enough items (and have gained enough courage) to survive with less food.
I would steal a truck, of course the owners would be dead, and drive my friends and I to a quiet place in the city. I would not steal off an alive person as that would be cruel (unless it was a zombie who's partially alive) There I would be safer than in the middle of the city; but not too far away from food.
Hopefully a way of destroying all zombies will be invented before I die, whether it's by myself, or someone else.
As everyone knows, in order to kill a zombie, you have to aim for the head. So I would attempt to get my hands on a gun (which would be hard considering it's illegal) so I would have to stop off at a police station and hope for the best.
I would not leave anywhere without someone and I would not let anyone leave without someone.
I would probably consider myself to be the leader of the gang unless it was obvious that someone else would be a better choice.
I love zombies. I've always found them as really fasicinating creatures (inventions). I always watch a good zombie film (unless it's far too gory) because of how many different ways it can be done! :)
Commented 32 months ago - 31st August 2013 - 23:05pm
Oh and I'd make sure I held a data form for everyone who joined my crew of Zombie Slayers... Just in case one of them just happens to be a zombie and didn't join in. It's hard to trust someone who diesn't tell you they're there :)
Commented 32 months ago - 31st August 2013 - 23:13pm
Oh BTW loving the picture :')
Commented 32 months ago - 2nd September 2013 - 13:11pm
If I can survive a small run to the local sports centre, then I'm set. It's surrounded by a metal fence which happens to be near the electric outlets so BAM, you can make an easy electric fence to stop intruding zombies.
Once the defence is set up, you have plenty of food from the canteens and vending machines, decent bathrooms so long as the water keeps running. Could last there for a decent amount of time I'd say.
Plus, plenty of entertainment amenities!
Commented 32 months ago - 3rd September 2013 - 13:03pm
i have actually always got a rucksack packed with my evac gear ready and have 3 different routes out of cardiff planned...
I would then spend my days as a roaming zombie hunter available for hire
Commented 32 months ago - 5th September 2013 - 16:40pm
Live in a library and suffocate zombies with plastic bags.
Commented 32 months ago - 5th September 2013 - 17:03pm
I'm not sure you can *suffocate* a zombie, can you? I mean, they're already dead so they don't breathe...
Commented 32 months ago - 7th September 2013 - 15:23pm
I would baracade a Tesco or Asda, all the food and supplies in there would give me enough to survive off for a year and I don't think Zombies would do very well in the winter when it snows so therefore alot would be stuck in the snow and would maybe die? I hope so, so after my supplies ran out I would go and find another superstore to live off, obviously taking shovels and things from the store to protect myself.
Commented 32 months ago - 8th September 2013 - 20:53pm
I would basically pack up everything I needed, find all my friends and family who are not affected and hide out in a supermarket or hardware store. We would all learn how to fight the zombies. I would read books such as the Enemy for reference on how other people would survive. We would scavenge for what we didn't have and observe the zombies/infected to work out any patterns that would show us their weaknesses. We could record these findings and in time hopefully find a way to cure them if they are infected.
In the meantime I could possibly hire someone like @769 to help us out with any major problems. I would also create a survival guide for any future generations, or people who go hiding in our old store if we decide to move on, that may come across it.
Dan (Sub-Editor)
Commented 32 months ago - 9th September 2013 - 14:50pm
Big props to FelicityDarke for turning her comment into a whole article! --> FelicityDarke's Zombie Apocalypse Guide
Commented 32 months ago - 16th September 2013 - 20:05pm
I was just wondering if you know when the winner will be announced??
Dan (Sub-Editor)
Commented 32 months ago - 18th September 2013 - 16:35pm
Hiya b00kw0rm99!
The publishers just emailed me and said the books should be arriving on Friday, so we're going to keep the competition going until then. So if you know anyone who has any good zombie ideas and hasn't submitted them yet, let them know the deadline's been extended a couple of days!
Commented 32 months ago - 19th September 2013 - 16:47pm
Ok, thanks!
Commented 32 months ago - 20th September 2013 - 17:10pm
i would run to my local cadet centre which has high fences and a underground area with guns and steel doors. it also has a tescos very close to it where you can get supplies such as spaghetti which is as everyone knows zombie kryptonite. i would then bide my time there. i would take my brother who is a army cadet can is obsessed with bear grills he would have a survival plan.then when other humans with aircraft came i would go off into space :)
destiny x bounce
Commented 32 months ago - 26th September 2013 - 17:28pm
There was a massive explosion and people went in to a supermarket thats all i have lol
Commented 32 months ago - 26th September 2013 - 19:47pm
ok....Its a zombie apocalypses and the first zombie I see is chewing my teachers head of. What is my brilliant plan of action! Well If this was in school, I would try and find the D.T room and the Science room. Brew some instant health potion (I know minecraft, I LOVE IT!) and wait. I will try and find some lighters, drill, hammer, food and water. I would go and find my friends and family and try and find the nearest Morrison or Asda warehouse. I would search for peanut butter, which gives you energy and fat plus its easy to carry, and then try and find water bottles and also some essential items. I will get my brother to get one of those awesome police riot vans and we will be in there. Every day we would go refuel and carry spare fuel with us. We will stop at the pharmacist warehouse and find some pain killers, cal pol, medicine, bandage, etc. and would try to get some cash :P. We would try and find a army shelter/base or somewhere compacted with no animals, nowhere near any big roads in the country side and try to camp out there. We would wait every week to get to the closest gas station and train our self to become a Kung Fu karate kid ninja!
Commented 32 months ago - 27th September 2013 - 09:31am
I would go to B&Q they have plenty of wepons and i like the vending machins. then call all my friends and family and tell them to come to me. Before i could relax with all my family and friends i would put booby traps at all enterences! THEN PLAY XBOX!!!!!!!!!!
Commented 32 months ago - 27th September 2013 - 09:32am
Kill everything.
Commented 32 months ago - 27th September 2013 - 09:38am
i would run to tesco and get all of the food and then go to the loca gun shop and get all of the guns to protet my self lol
Dan (Sub-Editor)
Commented 32 months ago - 27th September 2013 - 12:27pm
While the competition has officially ended please keep the comments coming because some of these ideas are AWESOME.
Commented 31 months ago - 2nd October 2013 - 22:01pm
Have the winners been announced ?
Dan (Sub-Editor)
Commented 31 months ago - 3rd October 2013 - 12:51pm
Hi Kat
The winners this time were:
* b00kw0rm99
* thepurpleninja
* twilightcrazedxxx
* Snoo
* FelicityDarke
I've been illustrating some of the winning comments and adding them to our Tumblr and Facebook.
Don't be disheartened if you didn't win: not only were the comments all awesome, but we'll be announcing a new HALLOWEEN COMPETITION later today. >:)
gamer turtle
Commented 31 months ago - 11th October 2013 - 09:08am
I would take shelter in my shed and hide all my chicken's in a secret basement made out of steel
Dan (Sub-Editor)
Commented 31 months ago - 11th October 2013 - 09:11am
Are chickens any good at fighting zombies?
gamer turtle
Commented 31 months ago - 11th October 2013 - 09:31am
It is when you strap a rocket launcher to it.
Commented 31 months ago - 11th October 2013 - 09:31am
i would go to zoo and live with the lions so i would not die cas i could feed themthe zeberes then platupessy then feed them the flimgos then i would feed the lion 1 d and then justin b
Cat Lover
Commented 31 months ago - 11th October 2013 - 09:36am
kill everyone
Commented 31 months ago - 11th October 2013 - 09:37am
I would go on to a boat an drive in to the middle of cardiff bay.
then the zombies could not get me and I could just go to the bay when ever i needed food.
hazzy w
Commented 31 months ago - 11th October 2013 - 09:38am
die zombies die
Commented 31 months ago - 11th October 2013 - 09:38am
i would post on facebook die zombies die
Commented 31 months ago - 11th October 2013 - 09:40am
i would live in the sae and feed them rocks
Commented 31 months ago - 11th October 2013 - 09:41am
i would kill justin b then run away
hazzy w
Commented 31 months ago - 11th October 2013 - 09:42am
i would steel a chainsaw from tescos an run to my friends and then saw there heads off
Evil Turtle
Commented 31 months ago - 11th October 2013 - 09:43am
I would go to KFC and eat some of the chickens but I would leave one to strap a rocket launcher to in just like gamer turtle because we are in the turtle clan yay!
Commented 31 months ago - 11th October 2013 - 09:44am
i would just feed them 1 d and justin b lolololololololoollooolololololololololollolol
hazzy w
Commented 31 months ago - 11th October 2013 - 09:46am
i would get all my food and then get into bed with everyone who is still alive
simdude101 (correspondent)
Commented 31 months ago - 11th October 2013 - 09:48am
I would definetley get a pet chicken like the turtles but i would have a productive farm so i could strap c-4 to them and blow them up in the zombies face!
Commented 25 months ago - 1st April 2014 - 13:55pm
First things first, make sure you're not bleeding. If you are, cauterize the wound to prevent infection. Once you're all good, get yourself a weapon. Nothing that needs ammunition as it can be tricky to get hold of, maybe an axe or a large sledgehammer. Fight your way to the nearest fire station. Why the firestation? Simple. Powerful hoses to wash away the undead, more axes, a safe location to fortify and they sometimes have very sturdy helmets and thick clothing to help ward off teeth. Once you're geared up and have fortified your fire station, it's time to gather some food. Don't head to tesco, it's too popular. Try morrisons or asda instead (Disclaimer: other stores available). Avoid picking up people on the way, unless they have something valuable to contribute (weapons, food, expertise) as they can become cumbersome. Gather up basic foods like tins of beans, rice, bottled water, other tinned foods. Try to avoid vegetables, bread and milk as they go off easily and can be hard to keep fresh. Once you've got your food gather some tools. You'll obviously need a tin opener and a set of kitchen knives would be useful too. Walkie talkies and radios are optional, but can come in handy if you have a larger group. Take all your stuff back to the fort, taking care to avoid crowds of people and undead. Once inside, wait. Don't go looking for trouble it's bound to come to you. Follow the same rule as before about people; only let them in if they have something to offer. Keep your witts about you, ration your food and don't hesitate when slaying a few walking corpses. Enjoy!
simdude101 (correspondent)
Commented 18 months ago - 5th November 2014 - 17:02pm
If there was a zombie apocalypse, or some sort of ravaged sickness, I would pack the basic survival gear, like my pocket knife, and some water and food, and I would hit the road. My first stop would be a coffee shop, because seriously, if i'm going to start fighting zombies, I need a couple of Coffee 1 muffins to keep me going, and hey, why not. Then I would get a car, and head to the nearest DIY shop. I would grab a bunch of heavy duty gear, like chainsaws, shovels and axes and not pay for them because, honestly, if there had been a zombie apocalypse, the economy would have collapsed anyway, so money would be worthless. Then I would head over to my friends houses (in a mini-bus this time) and get them, because, safety in numbers would be important. Then I would drive to London. Yes, you aren't reading this wrong, I typed LONDON. I would go there for one reason. Supplies. London is full of supplies. Also London is possibly the only place in Britain where you can find good guns, and seriously if i'm gonna kill zombies, i'm at least gonna do it in style. Then i'd hunker down in a tube station. Why? Because its the perfect hiding place. Imagine, trains to live in, and tunnels to run into, if any un-wanted zombies decided to pay a visit to my abode. Eventually I would head back up to the surface, and find somewhere good to live. Then I'd just set up security patrols, and send out teams to find survivors, to bring them back to safety.