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Coleg Glan Hafren: Creative Writing

Posted by Dan (Sub-Editor) from Cardiff - Published on 18/04/2010 at 22:19
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  • writing

                                                            Coleg Glan Hafren: Creative Writing

Last week we were at Coleg Glan Hafren's Learning Fare talking about theSprout.  Some great stories, articles and poems were written for the site.  While some of the submissions weren't long enough to be published as individual articles, we thought they all had potential and so have put them all the shorter and incomplete submissions together in one article.  (We've done the same for your thoughts and opinions, which can be found here).

Do you have something to say?  Perhaps a suggestion on how to continue some of the stories below?  Write us an article, or leave a comment at the bottom of the page.

IMAGE: eelend


It was a Saturday morning. I was eating my toast. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door and there was a 30 inch lady bird standing in my doorway: it punched me in the face and told me to get stuffed. "Apparently there is a nasty bug going around!"



For once in a long long time it has actually been sunny in Cardiff! Me and my two friends decided to go for a drive to Porthcawl. When we arrived, we hired a dingy boat :) My friend Jill decided she wanted to go out to sea alone. Me and John did discuss that this was not a very good idea, so we finally came to an agreement that we should all go. As we all jumped into the boat, Jill had a sandwich in her hand, which we decided to share amongst our group. The sandwich had disappeared and we believe a sea creature had stolen our sandwich. We started to get really far out to sea when we heard a hissing noise coming from the bottom of the boat. John believed that it was a snake. We ignored the noise for a while until water started spilling in the boat. John was horrified as he could not swim and the others could, as we all jumped into the sea John climbed on Jill's back, and they began to swim quickly. I never have found out what happened to Jill and John but may they rest in peace. x



A black dog is sleeping in the middle of a black road that has no streetlights and there is no moon. A car coming down the road with its lights off steers around the dog. How did the driver know the dog was there?



A life in a perfect little home; a husband who loves them, a few children maybe animals like a horse with a nice garden full of lovely fruit and veg growing, a little car, a degree and never to be old and to see the world. I suppose everyone had their own dream other. People want a job with lots of money, flashy cars, walk-in wardrobes, to be a footballer, rugby players, golf player... I wouldn't mind that but it's just the money they've got. My dream is not to be rich but to be happy.


Zoe James:

This girl started dancing when she was seven years old. She was a quiet girl and didn't really get involved in performances. So her friends made her start dancing for a dance school, everyone said that she wouldn't keep it up so she wanted to prove them wrong.

Every time she dances she feels so relaxed and confident it is a totally different side to her. 

Even though she thinks she is not good at it, she still carries on because she loves to dance. 

Her dance group goes to competitions and they love it. They work so hard to keep the dance school going because their dance group's teacher left them for another dance school so they hit rock bottom but they are all sticking together to build the school back up to where they were before. Her dance school is like her family.





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