Climate Change - Countdown To Copenhagen
In December this year, the World’s decision makers will meet at a climate change summit called COP 15 in Copenhagen to decide on what should be done to tackle climate change across the world.
They will try to agree the best way forward for the world to work together to tackle climate change.
Have your say?
The Welsh Assembly Government wants the young people of Wales to be able to have their say on what they think should be done to tackle climate change.
You are invited to attend ‘Countdown to Copenhagen’ to learn more about climate change and to voice your opinions on what you think is important.
The day will include a showing of the popular film ‘Age of Stupid’, workshops, a graffiti wall and video booths, and talks form interesting people who know a lot about climate change.
The ideas and recommendations of the young people of Wales will then be taken to Copenhagen by one of the Climate Change Champions, who will act as a representative.
How can I attend?
Countdown to Copenhagen is aimed at all young people under the age of 25.
When: Wednesday 1 July 2009
Where: Liberty Stadium, Swansea
Who: 300 young people (under 25)
What do I do?
To find out more and to register to attend, please visit
Also see our article Countdown 2 Copenhagen
Photo credit: xJasonRogersx