CLICers Think Big
Remember Eddie’s Kitchen? Well what started out as a dream and a few CLIC articles has now grown into a real-life caf and a cookery show.
This is thanks to the O2 Think Big Project, helping young people develop their ideas to improve the community. Eddie and other CLICers have taken their ideas to Think Big and helped transform them into reality. Here two of them share their experiences:
Project: Eddie's Kitchen
CLICer: eddie secretary, Torfaen
Hello CLICers!
Eddie's Kitchen is finally on a roll, not only have I now got funding, but I have also got a tidy caf to cook for you guys in too!
Why have I got funding? Well I looked into O2 Think Big and applied to start a project for cooking, aimed at university students or young people who are leaving home and don't really know how to cook — let alone on a budget! The whole idea behind this is to help these people to cook on a low budget. I shall be using some of the recipes from CLIC and providing a step-by-step video guide also!
So keep a look out and follow us on Facebook or on Twitter.
Now you know about my project and the things that are going to be happening, why not come and taste some of this great food in my caf! You can find me working in Dragon Bands, a community recording studio in the town of Pontypool, in the North Pontypool Industrial Estate. It's a bit of a travel but I assure you, the food is great and it's all freshly prepared when you order it!
Project: Find Your Confidence
CLICer: Tansi, Cardiff
Have you ever wanted to do something to help the community and make it better? If so then you should look into O2 Think Big.
What's this you ask?
Well O2 Think Big is a funding project that O2 are organising for young persons like yourself to help improve and make the community near you a better place. Sounds great huh? The steps are simple, just think of a project that you would like to run — this could be anything that would help benefit the community and also help yourselves along the way — then just log onto and follow the steps on there. It's a simple, easy to follow, step-by-step guide!
I have done this and gone through all the processes myself. With what you ask? Well I decided to think of a project to help build people's self-esteem and confidence. This is to be a project where young persons aged 11-25 (so that's you guys) can build on your self-esteem and confidence to benefit you in the future. I've been awarded my £300 funding to help me along the way just like you could get too!
So what would my project involve exactly?
Well my project is going to involve setting up sessions for all of you guys to help build on your confidence. I'm planning to do this by holding writing sessions where all of you can work either in a group or by yourselves to prepare something. This could be anything from poetry, short stories or even small drama performances. After everyone has finished and finalised their work I would then hold a showcase for you all. That's right: you all would get to be stars! You would all perform (providing you would feel confident enough — which is the whole point!) in front of a live audience to show how far you have come!
So what are you guys waiting for? Get involved by...
Like our Facebook page:
Follow us on Twitter too: @FindYourConfide
We hope to see you get involved!
Have you also got involved? If so, please tell us about your project in the comments below!
2 Comments – Post a comment
National Editor
Commented 45 months ago - 24th August 2012 - 16:12pm
Eddie and Tansi: two CLICers who really deserve this support so well done.
I remember Eddie's first article a few years back which talked about his frustration at the JobCentre and the battle to find work. Instead he has started something himself and his hard work and commitment are paying off.
Tansi has channelled her energy into something she believes in and that has also got the recognition it deserves.
Well done guys! :)
Commented 45 months ago - 24th August 2012 - 17:11pm
Hey, @Candyprawn & I are also supported by Think Big. Great projects, though :D x