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Cardiff Science Festival

Posted by Dan (Sub-Editor) from Cardiff - Published on 09/07/2012 at 01:16
1 comments » - Tagged as Comedy, Education, Festivals, History, People, Stage, Sport & Leisure, Technology

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Today marks the start of Cardiff Science Festival – a week of science-themed awesomeness taking place all across Cardiff. And before anyone starts yawning, this is the FUN kind of science. Expect 'Create Your Own Lightning' workshops, stand-up comedy, late-night excursions to Techniquest, scientific cocktail mixing and a whole load of other neat stuff.

Cardiff Science Festival is a showcase of science and technology happening throughout Cardiff. From hands-on workshops, live demonstrations, talks, discussion forums, performances, lectures, debates, exhibitions, guided tours and panel discussions, there is something for everybody.

The vast majority of the events are open to all ages and many of them are completely free. We've compiled some of the highlights of the week below, so be sure to mark your calendars with some of these amazing, unique and undoubtedly fascinating events!

Monday 9th July

Cardiff Blogs Science Festival Special

Free entry. 6:30pm onwards, The Maldron Hotel, St Mary Street (next to central station)

The opening event, Cardiff Blogs Science Festival Special, will be something for everyone. Three science bloggers take to the stage to tell you about what it is that inspires them to write. If you're interested in writing for the web, and in using blogging and microblogging tools (like Twitter) to reach a wider audience, you will find this event particularly useful and interesting.
The talks will be tailored for everybody – not just Sheldon Coopers! – so please don't feel intimidated by the title. Everyone is welcome to attend, and asking questions is encouraged. Speakers will begin at 7pm and there will be a chance to socialise before and after the talk.

The speakers for this event will be:

  • Dean Burnett (@garwboy) – Neuroscientist, Comedian, Writer, Lecturer, Tutor, Husband, Father, Balding (not in that order). Blogs at Science Digestive. Dean performed on-stage last year alongside Brian Cox and others at the Uncaged Monkeys Tour
  • Peter Coles (@telescoper) – Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics at Cardiff University and author of Cosmology: A Very Short Introduction (among other things). Blogs at In The Dark
  • Bill Wilkinson (@drbillyo) – Professional scientist. Amateur skeptic. Music Lover. Mardy Commuter. Blogs at drbillyo
Find out more about Cardiff Blogs events by following them on Twitter: @cdfblogs  #cdfblogs

Tuesday 10th July

Cardiff Skeptics in the Pub. (Guest Speaker: Rhys Morgan, 17)

Entry £3.00 – Tickets available on the door. 7pm, The Promised Land, Windsor Place

When Rhys Morgan was 15 years old and diagnosed with the painful condition Crohn’s Disease, he logged on to a support forum – where he discovered that a “miracle” cure was being peddled, that turned out to be very dangerous. After doing some research, he discovered that forum members were being actively encouraged to drink “miracle mineral solution” which he discovered was in fact a solution of bleach, and to continue with this treatment even when they suffered resulting symptoms such as burning. Upon challenging its promoters, Rhys was banned from the forum. 

You can read how that went here at "Bleachgate", and take a look at this list of links to see the results of Rhys's determination to get more knowledge out there. It went as far as to be banned in Kenya, and Rhys got on the BBC (twice), WalesOnline, and won the James Randi 2010 award for "Grassroots Activism".

He has also written about the Burzynski Clinic in the US, which claims to treat cancer with “antineoplaston therapy”. This resulted in a representative issuing libel threats. Now aged 17, Rhys will talk about his various skeptical activities. Cardiff Skeptics in the Pub usually meet on the third Monday of the month at The Promised Land.

Wednesday 11th July

Art/Science Exhibition

Free entry. 1pm onwards, The Crofts Pub

Featuring Massive Dynamic, Barrie J Davies and Bella Woodfield. For more information, see www.skittlealleygallery.weebly.com.

Thursday 12th July

Engineers' Question Time

Free entry but registration is essential. 6pm, Pierhead Building, Cardiff Bay

In a format akin to the BBC’s successful Question Time, the evening offers a rare chance to probe, question and challenge industry leaders from a cross-section of the science and technology community. Hailing from a broad range of disciplines, our panellists will answer questions on industry news, education, career development in the science and technology arena, the impact of technology on society and much more. The panellists for this event are:

  • Prof John Harries (Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales)
  • Eluned Parrott AM
  • Prof Jon Holt (Global Head of Systems Engineering at Atego)
  • Dr Tom Crick (Senior Lecturer in Computer Science, Cardiff Metropolitan University)

Techniquest After Hours
Free entry. 18+ only. 7pm, Techniquest, Cardiff Bay

After Hours are exciting new evening events for grown-ups who are kids at heart. The evening will include:

  • Science Junkies Show
  • Mysteries of the Universe
  • Techniquest Quiz
  • Star Tours


Friday 13th July

Design Wales & Cartis present Rebuilding People
Free entry (click to book). 6pm, Techniquest

A panel discussion between a patient, a clinician and a designer who work within facial reconstruction. The discussion will be centred around the process of working with a patient who has had facial reconstruction. The working methods and decisions made by all involved in the process, including the patient will be explored. This fascinating discussion will appeal to clinicians, designers, prosthetic makers and those who are less than squeamish!

Engineering for Life: From Cradle to Grave
Free entry. 6pm, ATRiuM, Cardiff

How can engineering let us see inside ourselves, improve sporting performance and give someone extra independence? This exciting show reveals how engineering improves our quality of life even before we’re born. Watch a live ultrasound scan, discover how engineers can make playgrounds safer, how a jellyfish could contain the cure for cancer and even how we can preserve our bodies after death.

Saturday 14th July

Saturday and Sunday have a LOT of cool stuff happening. So much so that we can't fit it all in one article! Click on the link below for full listings as well as information on times and locations.

Full list of Saturday Events

Some of the highlights include:

  • Fossil Hunters
  • Science of Swimming
  • Science Rapping
  • Paranoia: “It’s not you, it’s me”
  • Science of the Voice
  • Young Engineer of the Year
  • Random Science
  • Rock Guitar in 11 Dimensions
  • Exhibitions in both the Red Dragon Centre and the Urdd Centre Hall in Cardiff Bay
Sunday 15th July

Saturday and Sunday have a LOT of cool stuff happening. So much so that we can't fit it all in one article! Click on the link below for full listings as well as information on times and locations.

Sunday Events

Some of the highlights include:

  • Cardiff SciScreen presents Ice Age 4: Continental Drift (A special showing of the new Ice Age film preceded by a short talk on the science behind the animation from Mike Bruford)
  • Supermarket Science
  • Working with the enemy: The difference between artists and scientists
  • Science Busking
  • When Science and Comedy Collide
  • I’m a Scientist, Get Me Out of Here
  • Thunderbolts and Lightning, Very very frightening!

If you'd like to learn more about Cardiff Science Festival then become a fan on Facebook or follow them on Twitter @CdfScienceFest.

You can see the full list of events taking place this week at their website.

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1 CommentPost a comment

Dan (Sub-Editor)

Dan (Sub-Editor)

Commented 46 months ago - 10th July 2012 - 00:04am

I went to the Cardiff Blogs event this evening and it was equal parts fascinating and hilarious.

I learnt that, when tobacco was first discovered, doctors tried using it "cure" people who had drowned by blowing tobacco smoke up their bum(!). They later discovered this doesn't help.

Oh, oh, oh! And there was a talk about THE SCIENCE OF ZOMBIES!!! Here's the video:

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