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Carbon Soldiers

Posted by Tom W from Cardiff - Published on 30/10/2008 at 12:35
0 comments » - Tagged as Climate, Environment, Music

WORDS: Tom Williams (Youth Editorial Group)

This week the Climate Change Champions recorded their potential hit single, Carbon Soldier. The recording and release of this brand new rap is the huge send off they want to mark the end of their year in office, which is in a couple of months. We want to go out in style and we want our aftertaste to be sweet ? because we can take on climate change and win! The song is bold, it’s daring, and it’s out December 1st ? remember that date!

We hope to make the biggest of impacts on people with this rap, with the smallest of economic and environmental impacts. What makes this song different? It’s a green rap, served in an unconventional way. A weird mix? When you hear it, make your judgement, but make sure you judge its message, too ? it’s too important to miss, what with human deaths from climate change worldwide expected to reach 300,000 per year within our lifetime. That’s the entire population of Cardiff wiped out, in a single year.

The song is available as a download only, and you will be able to purchase it off I-tunes and similar sites, and you may be able to buy it off your mobile phone! We took the responsible decision not to make a purchasable CD because of the huge pollution it and its casing produces. Hopefully other responsible bands from Cardiff and beyond will follow suit.

What makes this song so good? It’s not only the message it sends out through lyrics that is so important, but all proceeds will go to charity, a charity with environmental roots. Get involved from December 1st, and make a purchase ? simple! It’ll be a good laugh, and you’ll get a chance to help a charity too, and help the planet.


My interview with BBC Radio Wales on the Song

The Climate Change Champions 2008

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